most accurate and detailed article on the fate of TCM

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 3067
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

most accurate and detailed article on the fate of TCM

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Jun 23, 2023 6:58 pm

This was posted today on Yahoo: ... 00874.html

And if anyone is asking me, yeah, TCM is toast. Charlie Tabesh was the heart and soul of the place and even over the last five years when he was still there, it's become a lame version of its former self thanks to the conglomerates that got their mitts on it. Expect the 24/7 BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS/NORTH BY NORTHWEST channel even worse than it already is, probably with commercial interruptions.

Why didn't they just lay off all of the clueless and annoying hosts and keep Charlie? I don't need the political correctness apologies, just run the damn films.


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