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Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2023 6:12 am
by Richard M Roberts
Hmmmmm, I'm not really sure which forum to put our new Mafia Webinar in, we had started it deciding to discuss things other than comedic, then we kinda drifted back into talking about comedy again.

Ah whatever, it's a round robin chat with Hooman Mehren, Glenn Mitchell, our new guest Jere Gulden from the Packard/Stanford Collection at UCLA and Yours Truly in which you'll hear the names Griffith, Capra, Stevens, Hitchcock, Godard, Lloyd Bacon, Max Wall, Reg Varney and Russell Johnson among others bandied about:


Re: Mafia Webinar: NO TIME FOR COMEDY

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 6:48 pm
by William Ferry
This webinar was especially entertaining from the perspective of it seeming more like a general conversation among film fans. I mean the kind where someone says, "That reminds me of so and so", and the discussion goes off on a whole different tangent. It's a good way to broaden the scope and bring up some names that don't come up all the time. I might have mentioned someone like Norman Z. McLeod, for example.

Re: Mafia Webinar: NO TIME FOR COMEDY

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:20 pm
by Richard M Roberts
That's exactly the tone we're shooting for in these webinars, for years my friends and fellow film historians sat in restaurants all over the country during festivals having hours long meals talking like this and so many said "wish there was a tape-recorder running" (Well, when we did our annual Convention reports, there frequently was, maybe someday I'll put up some of the old Cinecon and Cinevent reports we recorded, lots of long-gone voices talking film on those).

Glad you enjoyed it William, we'll probably do a part two one of these days.