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Joe Moore
Posts: 332
Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:17 pm


Postby Joe Moore » Sun Jun 02, 2013 10:05 am

Code 3 was another Roach Studios' production. A police series much in the style of Dragnet. 39 episodes were produced for syndication in 1956-1957. The series starred Richard Travis and Denver Pyle.

Here's three episodes courtesy of the Internet Archive.

"The Rookie Sheriff"

"The Sniper"

"The Man with Many Faces"

One of the series directors was Erle Kenton. Kenton had started out working for Sennett in the teens, playing Keystone cops and other bit parts, working as a gagman and assistant director and eventually directing by the end of the decade.
In the twenties he continued to direct comedies, working for Roach, Fox, DeMille, Columbia, Paramount, Universal and others. By the talkie era he was also directing non-comedies (Island of Lost Souls, The Ghost of Frankenstein, etc...) but also continued to direct comedies (Abbott and Costello, Joan Davis, Roscoe Karns, the Little Tough Guys, Leon Errol, Edgar Kennedy).
By the 1950s he moved onto television where he worked on several Roach series (including Passport to Danger, Telephone Time, Racket Squad, and Public Defender).



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