Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby Richard M Roberts » Tue Sep 19, 2023 11:53 am

.........on Blu-Ray and DVD:



William Ferry
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Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby William Ferry » Tue Sep 19, 2023 6:19 pm

THE LIGHTER THAT FAILED! Ain't that a darb? Thank you, Richard!

Rob Farr
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Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby Rob Farr » Wed Sep 20, 2023 12:25 pm

This is great. Can't wait.
Rob Farr
"If it's not comedy, I fall asleep" - Harpo Marx

Agnes McFadden
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Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby Agnes McFadden » Wed Sep 20, 2023 1:33 pm


Really looking forward to this set.

I hope it sells well enough for a follow-up( I will do my part).

Any range on a release date yet?

Agnes McFadden

Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby Richard M Roberts » Thu Sep 21, 2023 3:37 am


And once again, in less than 24 hours, we see schmucks spreading bullshit and nonsense about the set when the only people who actually know what is going on have told you nothing, done nothing but shown you a picture of the cover, and told you it's coming out on Blu-Ray and DVD, and once again I have to come out and get after you which will make the ones doing stupid shit run away and cry and say I was mean to widdle' ol dem.

The main schmuck, Richard Finnegan, pulls lots of smoke from his ass pretending to know something about the set. He doesn't, he is not involved in the production of it or any of our sets in any way, shape or form, nor ever will be and has no insiders knowledge of any kind. He has no from-the-source informed idea of what may or may not, will or will not be on the set. He thinks this makes him sound like an expert, it doesn't, whatever end of him it comes out, it is still just a load of hot gas, a lot of sound and phooey signifying nothing. He has done this before, and despite being told it is not a good idea, is doing it again. Ignore him. and anyone else who parrots his tripe.

If it hasn't come from us on the mafia, you ain't got the genuine facts, and we will tell you those when we are ready and in the mood to tell you. So far you have a picture of the cover and the formats, that's it. If that makes you happy, fine. Go dance your little dances, dream your little dreams, spread the cover all over the internet, make a happy noise, but anyone claiming to know any more doesn't know what in the hell they're talking about, and know not or care how much problem and difficulty they cause in the production and presentation of these things for those who actually do the work to get these things out where you can see them. They care only about their fragile little egos and what pathetic little attention they may get from their little fanboy friends. They negatively affect getting these things out to you, the people who really want to see them and behave rationally and responsibly.

They never learn, do they?


William Ferry
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Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby William Ferry » Thu Sep 21, 2023 5:42 pm

All I feel qualified to comment, aside from my previous thanks, is this: I'll buy it when it's announced, and I'll leave a nice review on Amazon (or whatever shopping outlet will have it). And if I may be so bold, that's advice worth heeding by anyone who wants to start a gripefest.

Richard Finegan

Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby Richard Finegan » Fri Sep 22, 2023 4:27 am

Richard M Roberts wrote:Yawn......


The main schmuck, Richard Finnegan, pulls lots of smoke from his ass pretending to know something about the set. He doesn't, he is not involved in the production of it or any of our sets in any way, shape or form, nor ever will be and has no insiders knowledge of any kind. He has no from-the-source informed idea of what may or may not, will or will not be on the set. He thinks this makes him sound like an expert, it doesn't, whatever end of him it comes out, it is still just a load of hot gas, a lot of sound and phooey signifying nothing. He has done this before, and despite being told it is not a good idea, is doing it again. Ignore him. and anyone else who parrots his tripe.


Hey Robberts (you misspelled my name, so there you go).
Well, that post was unnecessarily nasty. What is your problem with me? I've always supported the Charley Chase releases and other Sprocket Vault DVDs, and recommended them whenever I can. One would think you would welcome input from anyone who cares enough to buy these DVDs, especially Charley Chase, to make constructive comments and always end by saying Thank You to all involved in the DVDs (which, if you've missed it, I do).
Normally I don't care what you say or think (too bad, because I used to), but let me address some of what you had to say here. You obviously have been misreading what I post (these crazy comments you made here have to have been from my Facebook posts, as that's the only place I have been saying anything about this new Chase DVD) or whoever has been reporting the posts to you has been grossly misunderstanding and misquoting me.
I have never "pretended to know anything about the set" could I and why would I when no info is given until we actually see the released DVD? And of course, I'm not involved with the DVDs...never thought or said or implied I was. Why would I? Like many others, I have only posted guesses or speculations on what might be included...why? because we're happy and excited about and grateful for these great films being made available! Why do you have a problem with that? Every DVD release should have enthusiastic fans talking about and promoting them the way I and others do for these Chase sets. As I said, many others are also excited and posting about these Chase DVDs. Why do you seem to have this particular problem with my comments?
And I don't think of myself as any kind of "expert" and never said or thought I was. Again, why would I? Sorry if that's the inaccurate way you take it.
And when and by whom was I ever "told it was not a good idea" to say things about the Chase DVDs?
I doubt I can ever understand or change whatever caused your problem with me, but will still be supporting and recommending the Chase DVDs - you got a problem with that?
It's too bad you have such a problem with some people who I guess you feel threatened by.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:44 am

What you are actually doing Finegan, is building up false expectations among the fans by telling them what "should" be on these sets or even what "should" be on sets we haven't even announced yet, so that when we do announce what is on these sets, and it isn't what you so lordly pronounce should be there, we have to waste time explaining and defending to fans who have heard your nonsense and, not knowing necessarily any better who the hell you are or if you're involved in the production of these sets or not, or even know what in the hell you're talking about, they pick up your bullshit and continue to spread it.

In other words, you are creating and spreading rumor, and it wastes our time, affects our sales, it does no favors to us or the fans of this material. You are not qualified to speak for us, and we're letting folk know it. Gierucki has tried nicely to get you to shut your yap on Facebook, and in your usual cluelessness, you either didn't get the hint or decided to ignore it. You didn't even get what I said in the above post, happy and exited is fine, spreading speculation and bullshit isn't, whether you say "Thank You" at the end or not. You are not being constructive in doing this, you are being destructive.

I'm glad you're not bothered by my feelings towards you, I don't feel threatened by you, I do not like you, and since you are also a member of the cine-whiners, thank you for reminding me that you still have an active membership here, that will be taken care of.


Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Re: Coming From the Sprocket Vault..............

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:50 pm

Nice words from Chris Seguin in regards to this release from over at his ScribeFiles Facebook page:

"Every time I see something like this pop up I’m eternally ever grateful to the people who put the passion, expertise, diligence, hours, willpower and sweat equity into making it happen. (Oh, the money too. M-o-n-e-y.)

I don’t fret over what four seconds of footage might be missing, wonder what’s next before I even know what’s here, or worry whether the packaging will be paper or plastic.

I’m just happy there’s folks who care about making all this happen (and happen right) and who contribute to the fact that I can walk to a shelf in my house this minute and watch pretty much every single Laurel & Hardy, Keaton, Chaplin, Fields, Marx Bros., Abbott & Costello, Our Gang (talkie) and Stooges comedy there is, the complete run of Chase talkies (Roach and Columbia), and far more Langdon, Lloyd, Arbuckle, Sennett, Max Davidson, Charley Bowers, Alice Howell, Marcel Perez, etc. than I ever imagined right at my fingertips. Damn, we’re lucky.

To paraphrase what Robert Youngson might say, “somewhere, shadows are smiling on you.”

Thank You Chris, these words are very appreciated.


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