Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:37 pm

Louie Despres wrote:Check out the new "Change One Letter" thread. Are people REALLY that bored that they need to come up with stupid games like that to stay connected??

Yep. I already played that, i took an "l" out to get "Nitratevile".


Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Nov 13, 2013 7:18 pm

Here's a curious one: over at Nitratevile yesterday, one of the nameless ones had started a Christmas Purchase reccomendations list with SMILEAGE GUARANTEED at the top of the list, and today, mention of the book and the whole thread has mysteriously vanished. Is this a new level of pettiness they have fallen to?

Maybe at Nitratevile now the word "Roberts" now comes up "1234567"


Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:42 am

Richard M Roberts wrote:Here's a curious one: over at Nitratevile yesterday, one of the nameless ones had started a Christmas Purchase reccomendations list with SMILEAGE GUARANTEED at the top of the list, and today, mention of the book and the whole thread has mysteriously vanished. Is this a new level of pettiness they have fallen to?

Maybe at Nitratevile now the word "Roberts" now comes up "1234567"


Never mind, it's reappeared.

Though I do take offense at being referred to as a "Nitratevile Member" in the text of the plug.


Gary Johnson
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Gary Johnson » Fri Nov 15, 2013 12:32 am

I'm still erroneously listed as a member of The Nixon Plumbers, after all these years.
That's what I get for calling Roto-Rooter from a DC Hotel. Next time I'll just let the water leak...

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:56 pm

Well, after the silliness here this morning, you knew you could expect this:

But it does seem pretty telling that Birchard has to steal someone elses words because he has nothing original of his own. For some reason he wanted to get thrown off to cause more trouble and try to make us sound hypocritical, but again, he shoulda read the Mafia rules. Just shows that he is a lonely old man with nowhere to go for Thanksgiving deciding to grind his axe more because I won't have nothin to do with him. You'd think in his long life he have learned a lesson or two and kept a few more friends.

And you know, it's all just about watchin' movies folks, that's what makes these petty bitternesses and rivalries so stupid. The fighting is so bloodthirsty because the stakes are so small.

Poor Man.


Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Nov 29, 2013 10:40 am

Well, there seems to be some further cackling over at the Nitratevile Henhouse today about Birchards toss from over here, but this is a classic from Mr. Gebert himself:

"I am sure there are people at that site who know so much more than any of us about silent comedy, so it's baffling why the main thing they talk about is this site. NitrateVille is what it is, which is to say, happy to be welcoming to new folks, even if (horrors) they ask the same things that were already asked on A.M.S. in 2002. But it is an open, largely unmoderated-unless-it-needs-to-be forum and if you want it to be at a more scholarly level, all you have to do is take it there. The last way to grow one is to impose the death penalty on another highly knowledgeable person because, egad, they disagreed with you— or could even be right."

Words direct from the man who tossed me off his own group.

Again, one standard will do just fine.


Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sat Nov 30, 2013 6:17 am

It’s been fun watching the NNN’s (Nameless Nitratevile Ninnies) spit and dribble over themselves about Birchard’s booting, once again, that good old double standard set by hypocrite Mike Gebert who’ll allow no bashing of any folk but me on his site, as he clucks clucks at any group that would throw a member out apart from his own behavior in that regard.

I think my favorite so far has been the nameless one who said I was mean to him and he’s just a widdle thirteen year old babe in the wood who should not have his new born loves, hopes and questions trampled on by evil ol’ me, like anyone would know this when he’s being a nameless one, and come to think of it, do we really know it to be fact now? Well, if you go take a look at his website: perhaps he is, and a weird widdle one at that, I think his parents should be looking into exactly what Tumblr sites he’s surfing in the wee hours.

I’m sure there will be more, Aldrich hasn’t shown up yet to try to spew more BS about me, perhaps he actually found somewhere to go for Thanksgiving this year, and really, apart from whining about DVD releases or ogling nude photos of a faux Lillian Gish (definitely not her, Lillian never had that kind of rack, but shame on them for putting up that sort of thing when they have 13 year old members tuning in), what really do they have to talk about with any actual knowledge or entertainment value? Heck, it’s been so boring I had pretty much given up on correcting them.

But all in all, it just once again shows what a pathetic, mean little mob the NNN’s have become, this is once again a sign of the illness of the anonymous internet and the lows to which Nitratevile has sunk. Gebert is concerned how much we talk about Nitratevile over here, he should look to how much they talk about me over there. I’m gone folks, over here now where I can be ignored, but apparently they still want to bash and trash…..

Poor things, but ain’t it fun that I still get under their skins that much?

Yep, Birchard definitely belongs over there with them, and we’ve sent him packing. I thought that I was actually pretty patient with him, I mean, since I terminated our friendship for good several years ago due to his frequently not nice behaviour towards me without amends or apology, he had continued to have free reign here, though he still tried to get me into these stupid semantic or anal-retentive spelling arguments (real serious and deep film history there), he usually did it on Nitratevile where he felt it was safer as I had no control there, and if I told him what I really thought of him, it would get deleted or shut down. It was all just attempts to get in my face because I would have nothing to do with him in real life and how dare one of his friends leave him flat and he couldn’t bully or harass them back into submission. Same crap Aldrich has been doing since I broke off with him in 1998, first it was trying to butter me up and get back in my good graces and when that didn’t work, excoriate me. If he hates me so much, why bother any communication at all? I don’t get in their faces, I don’t want anything to do with them.

Well, when Gebert cancelled my ticket, Birchard started coming over here, way more than he ever had in the past. Birchard neither knows nor cares much about Silent Comedy, especially silent comedy shorts, they don’t give him a long enough nap, and his contributions of late have consisted mostly of attempted snitfests with me, or crap like this last confrontation and not much else of substance. Come on folks, Malcolm Sebastian or Sabiston, WHO CARES? He was known under both, or call him Big Boy if you like, Birchard hasn’t even seen or slept through enough of the kid’s films to really have an opinion on them, so he’s making a federal case out of me using one or the other like I had a hard and fast rule? He was doing nothing but trying to cause mischief and trouble, and he was wasting my time, he’s not a victim here.

What Bob had forgotten was where he was, whom he was talking to, and what the rules are around here, and I suggest you all go up and take a look at them if you don’t know, though you were supposed to have read them before you put in your membership application. This is not a Public Forum folks, it’s a Private Club House that we Godfathers put up for us and a few of our friends, and the members of the Public we decide to let in that can behave themselves, and you can lose your keys to the place at anytime, for any damn reason we feel like. These have always been the rules, but because of the quality of folk over here and the fact that you have to use your own names, we really have not had to do much moderation or sending of anyone to swim with the fishes, it’s really been very peaceful and civilised around here.

But Birchard wanted a tussle and attention, and he was told to back off, I took the safeties off my opinions of him, tried to slap him out of it, and gave him plenty of fair warning. He wouldn’t relent, he got his key cancelled. He had wasted enough of my time, I don’t have to take his shit over here, but he sure in hell had to get along with me. No doubt he will continue to try to get in my face over with the NNN’s, it’s the sad petty nature of that place, and Gebert for all his BS talk of “civility” seems to happily allow it, but that will be ignored or dealt with as I feel like. Those sad control freaks who still try to get at me because I cancelled the key to their friendships years ago can jabber as they will, it still beats trying to be friends with them.

And besides, it was time that old fat bastard got kicked off of something, when he did something shitty to someone else, his usual response was “get over it, it builds your character”. Well, his character has been sorely in need of maintenance for some time, not that I expect him to actually learn something from it. In any event, the old clubhouse has been aired out, and the air smells sweeter.


Richard M Roberts
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Dec 27, 2013 10:10 pm

No, it wasn't the spirit of Christmas, it has just been that it's so damn deadly dull over there at Nitratevile that I haven't really looked that hard at anything to make fun of.

But they do have a winner of a topic over there today: Top Ten Things Dumb People Say When Watching Silents Today.

at Nitratevile, isn't that just "view active topics?"

Merry Christmas Everybody!


Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Richard M Roberts » Mon Jan 13, 2014 6:53 am

Looks like Nitratevile is becoming the place for correct manners (well, a number there do need to learn a few we must admit), as Donald Binks started a thread with this bon-mot:

“wish someone would tell the men folk that you wear a (black) bow-tie with a dinner jacket - not an ordinary necktie. Starch wouldn't go astray either.”

Indeed! What are things coming to!

Well, not to be outdone, we’d better give some advice to our little group over here:

Listen Up You Mugs!

I’m the Guy that wrote that book on etiquette
I know just how all your vittles should be et---
I wrote this little book about mistakes that I’ve often saw---
So take them down and don’t forget that what I say is law!

First—always leave your spoon up in your coffee.
Then starting with your soup, just sound your “A” (like this: Slurrrrrp!)
Napkins are to catch the food that bounces off your knife—
And be sure to tuck the napkin in so it will stay….
Always put both elbows on the table.
Many other pointers I could mention…..
Always gesture with your fork---
and Fridays means it’s fish or pork.
Thank You for your very kind attention.

Always mix your beans with your potatoes
This does just one thing and that’s make eating with your knife a cinch.
When someone asks for bread just grab all you can inside your hand, then deal it out just like a game of Flinch.
Always take two toothpicks, you might break one.
Many other pointers I could mention---
Put your gum beneath your plate,
And eat so fast you won’t be late.
Thank You for your very kind attention.

Wear your earmuffs when eating watermelon
Tiddly-winks are always proper with the seeds.
Be sure to cut a pickle so the halves fly off your plate.
Use your spoon when eating Dandelion leaves----
If eating Grapefruit, don’t forget your goggles.
Many other pointers I could mention.
Finger Bowls are set close by,
in case your water glass goes dry.
Thank You for your very kind attention.

Never cut spaghetti up in pieces.
Suck it like a chicken eating worms.
When you’re eating cake make sure you eat the frosting first.
Look out for bacteria and germs.
Always laugh when nothing funny happens.
Many other pointers I could mention.
Never let your ice cream melt.
Loosen two holes in your belt.
Thank you for your very kind attention……….

That should do it.


Gary Johnson
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Re: Richard M.Roberts Banned from Nitrateville

Postby Gary Johnson » Mon Jan 13, 2014 9:49 am

Thank you for that, Emily Richard Post.

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"Turn Your Husbands Next Business Meeting With International Arms Dealers Into The Perfect Dinner Party"
""Raising The Perfect Nuclear Family In The Perfect Nuclear Underground Bunker""
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