early Marcel Levesque comedy

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David Denton
Posts: 180
Joined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 12:37 am

early Marcel Levesque comedy

Postby David Denton » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:49 pm

LE GENDARME EST SANS CULOTTE (The Policeman has no Pants) Gaumont 1914 directed by Louis Feullade. Feuillado-philes may spot others of his stock company; since it's about a movie troupe borrowing a gendarme's trousers, there's a pretty good chance that some of Feuillade's regulars are there. Marcel Levesque is funny looking but he also does subtle comic 'business'. Stay tuned until the end.

http://europeanfilmgateway.eu/node/33/d ... h0LTEtNA==

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