Charley Chase and Jean Darling

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Chris Seguin

Charley Chase and Jean Darling

Postby Chris Seguin » Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:09 pm

I posed this question to Yair Solan and, if he can't answer it, I figured I'd throw it the the mafia!

A friend from the Netherlands (Nico Cartenstadt) just got home from the Dutch Laurel & Hardy convention, and posed the following question after meeting Jean Darling. Put on your thinking caps...

Nico writes: "A question for you: during the convention, Jean Darling told me she remembers to have been in at least two Charley Chase silent shorts, perhaps more. Of one short, the doesn't remember anything, of the other, she distinctly remembers sitting in a car while Charley goes out to get her an ice cream, then she inadvertently lets a dog take a bite out of it, so Charley has to get her several ice creams and doesn't understand what she had done to them. Now, although the survival rate of Charley's 1927-29 films is rather poor, according to the World of Charley Chase website, I distinctly remember seeing this scene. But perhaps I'm confused with Movie Night or the Edgar Kennedy short A Pair of Tights. But the former does not feature a car and the latter doesn't have a child in it, so perhaps... do you have any more info about the film, title and survival? I would be most interested to find it."


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