Little Orphant Annie - Colleen Moore - restoration news!!

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Louie Despres
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Little Orphant Annie - Colleen Moore - restoration news!!

Postby Louie Despres » Sun Mar 27, 2016 12:15 pm

I am very happy to share the news that film historian and restorer Eric Grayson is about to tackle another project and it's a good one. Eric posted on his Facebook page yesterday and is hoping to hear back from people regarding the 1918 film "Little Orphant Annie" starring Colleen Moore. From his post:

“I'm working on a film restoration, it's one of the first films starring Colleen Moore, “Little Orphant Annie” (1918). Conventional fundraising is stalled, but seeing as how some of these are taking off, I'm wondering if I could just do it on Kickstarter. I know I just did one, but I don't control when these come at me. This one is complex and expensive: all the surviving prints are out of sequence and in pretty ratty shape (we have 4). I'd have the participation of a major archive and a major film accompanist. This won't be a cheapie. It's going to take several weeks just to stabilize, recut, and mesh the contrast on all the footage and we're restoring previously unseen footage and the tint scheme. I figure it would be in the neighborhood of $10K to do this, pay everyone involved, and get the Blu-Rays out. We missed the deadline for the grants this year. If you would be interested in supporting this, please like or share this. Otherwise, I'll just wait and get conventional funding when it's available.”

For those of you who don't know Eric, he has restored chapters 5,6, and 10 of the Mascot serial "King of the Kongo" which features Boris Karloff in his first speaking role. You can see part of the restoration here:

and he recently funded the saving and restoration of the 1954 Muncie VS. Milan basketball film which is the basis for the film "Hoosiers": ... ?ref=video

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