TWO-TIME MAMA, with Anita Garvin and Oliver Hardy

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Lorenzo Tremarelli
Posts: 22
Joined: Wed May 29, 2013 5:27 am

TWO-TIME MAMA, with Anita Garvin and Oliver Hardy

Postby Lorenzo Tremarelli » Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:24 am

MOMA has a beautiful print of this GREAT short, featuring Glenn Tryon, Tyler Brooke, Vivien Oakland, Anita Garvin and Oliver Hardy in a brief role (just a few seconds) as a cop. It's one of the most brilliant two-reeler cranked out by The Hal Roach Studio in 1927. Double meanings, cross-dressings and many more daring stuff.

Is there a chance for a DVD/Blu-Ray release in the next years?
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"The more trouble you get a man into, the more comedy you get out of him" (Harold Lloyd)

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