RACING MAD (1928) Al St. John

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Richard M Roberts
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Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

RACING MAD (1928) Al St. John

Postby Richard M Roberts » Thu Apr 23, 2020 4:46 pm

Here's a chunk of RACING MAD, an Educational Mermaid comedy released January 8, 1928 directed by Stephen Roberts, and featuring Al St. John, Estelle Bradley, Spencer Bell, Phil Dunham and Glen Cavender:

And speaking of what we were talking about on the DULL CARE thread, I see one of the internerds put up a review on the imdb and they're whining about the incompleteness of the Youtube video. They're fortunate to be seeing ANY of it at all. Like I said, therein lies madness.


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