Lizzies of the Field near but before The Griffith Park Observatory

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John Bengtson
Posts: 188
Joined: Tue Jun 25, 2013 3:58 pm

Lizzies of the Field near but before The Griffith Park Observatory

Postby John Bengtson » Wed Sep 28, 2022 4:15 pm

We applaud Dave Glass and Dave Wyatt who join the growing ranks of silent film superheroes preserving and restoring classic films, and making them available on home video to grateful fans. Their latest two-disc Blu-ray release contains over 5 hours of Billy Bevan comedies.

Lizzies of the Field (1924) is remembered for its wild auto race snaking along the twisted roads carved into the once barren hills looking down on Hollywood.


They filmed along Glendower Ave. within view of the Griffith Park Observatory, but long before it was built.

Read all the details at

Thanks, John

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