Nitrateville was SO concerned about us.......

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2911
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Nitrateville was SO concerned about us.......

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Mar 01, 2023 8:11 am

You know, I find it touching that Nitwitvile, whose denizens dare not speak my name, and hate all talk and manifestations of the mafia, were so concerned when we were offline for several hours a week or so ago. Considering it was a server glitch that took ------what---literally two minutes to fix once it came to our attention, there seemed to be much babble and talk over at that silly little newsgroup about us. Of course it gave one of those cine-whiner clowns an opportunity to attempt to bash us and spread crap, saying we have little or no content and only widdle ol’ me posts here, but that is pretty much what those cine-whiner clowns do; diss those whose work makes them feel threatened rather than try to improve their own to better standards, yawn (if you don’t know or remember the cine-whiners, we shined a light on them a few years ago: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2297&p=8604&hilit=cinewhiners#p8604).

The Silent Comedy Mafia is doing just fine folks, we’ve always believed in quality over quantity, and in Nitwitviles case, that is quantity of blather, which is most of what passes for activity at that sorry little site. Let’s see what some of the most recent bon-mots of wisdom from Nitwitville entail:

Another cine-whiner got on to say how dare that Grapevine Video put out a public domain movie like SO THIS IS PARIS when the company that made it has a nice restoration that they have not put out on home video and are unlikely to. To their credit, a number of Nitwitvile denizens came to Jack and Jason Hardy’s defense, a nice idea considering that Jack Hardy has done more to get silent films out to the public to be seen than all the cine-whiners combined have or will ever do. If said cine-whiner doesn’t want to buy the Grapevine version, no one’s forcing anyone to own it, but to get on a public forum to make noise about it shows nothing but how much time cine-whiners spend in pointless posting, and perhaps some envy or self-interest in dissing someone else they may feel threatened by. If they only spent that much time actually preserving and presenting films.

Someone who calls themselves “sethb” (I think this was the guy who wanted us to completely re-do the restored DVD of WHEN COMEDY WAS KING because he was bothered by the matte-balloon in the opening titles that had been there in that film since the day it was released) was incensed and disturbed because he watched a TV series on the making of THE GODFATHER (they make movies about making movies now, gad, they have run out of ideas) and they showed an exec flying with some 35mm film cans to indicate a special shipping of a print for a private screening and it wasn’t enough film cans. To begin with Sethb, 35mm shipping cans held more than two reels, they also held up to three and four reels, and secondly, who the hell cares, it’s props to illustrate a minor point, you obviously have gotten no further in getting a life since you whined about WHEN COMEDY WAS KING. There is no discovery of a major “blooper” here, and I figure that if you contact the Producers of the show and demand they re-shoot that scene and re-edit the film and send out corrected copies for broadcast you will get the same reaction you got from us when you requested we re-do WCWK; a laugh and a circle-filing of your letter.

Oh yes, and Maggie Smith is not dead, not that any of us thought she was, but one of the Nitrateville Nameless Ninnies thought you might want to know.

Like we said, pointless blather, and they spent a bit more time on their recent post about us blathering something about Canadian Viagra ads popping up when they go to our site. No idea folks, never seen them, my browsers bring up the mafia when I go to it no problem and apparently not many others are having the problem since our hit numbers are doing just fine, in fact, better that Nitwitviles. Perhaps some of those NNN’s of a certain age have had their personal shopping proclivities pick up a bug or two that has hacked their browsing capabilities.

And that’s enough of my time wasted on NItwitvile, though it’s been nostalgic to point out a few of their regular sillinesses again, and our audience seems to enjoy it when I do, the truth is I spend little time at the site these days, it’s still in my morning coffee rotation, but thirty seconds usually does the trick to see what the new blather is and that there’s nothing of substance or import to keep my attentions there further. I don’t know why Gebert lets the cine-whiners ramble on over there----oh wait, that’s right, he’s one of them, but I guess they do fit in with the other general level of blather. In any event, back to much more important things.


William Ferry
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Re: Nitrateville was SO concerned about us.......

Postby William Ferry » Wed Mar 01, 2023 6:01 pm

Hi Richard,
A few observations...
1. I visit SCM daily (this is one of only three sites that can boast that claim); I never even noticed the offline issue, which leads me to believe the glitch time was shorter than the time it's taking me to write this, let alone read the NVille thread.

2. If readers are getting spam ads, they need better computers. As long as I've been a mafioso, I've accessed the site via IE, Chrome, Firefox, and Silk. Never had ANY issues.

3. I was happy to jump to Grapevine's defense. Armchair quarterbacking requires zero effort, and even less thought. FWIW, I've banished several annoying NVillains to Bogeyland, and life is far sweeter.

Rift Corbitt
Posts: 28
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Re: Nitrateville was SO concerned about us.......

Postby Rift Corbitt » Wed Mar 01, 2023 10:41 pm

I make my living via IT Security, as of this writing this site is a clean as any internet can be. Even more so than even Amazon as there are NO trackers!

Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2911
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Re: Nitrateville was SO concerned about us.......

Postby Richard M Roberts » Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:36 am

Thank You William and Rift for your contributions to this thread, and speaking of armchair-quarterbacking, you reminded me on one more Niwit-cine-whiner-vile non-mot of brilliance I wanted to mention:

Bravo to Robert Israel for standing up to several, including another cine-whiner’s, self-serving, virtue-signalling sanctimony, so easy to dispense from safe behind a keyboard either anonymously or with too few facts at hand in the case of Serge Bromberg and the tragedy of his making.. Most of us indeed do not know enough about what happened to really make a judgment call, and to beat one’s breast and cry foul after the French Courts have passed their judgment that the sentence is not enough et cetera et cetera is akin to a fart in the wind.

I have never been a great admirer of Mr. Bromberg or his work, even before this incident, but as far as this tragedy goes, the Mafia merely reported what meager information we had on the incident with no further comment. It is indeed a terrible tragedy, of which Mr. Bromberg had taken responsibility, and we assume the French Court sentenced him accordingly to their laws, the judges figuring that there was no reason to house and feed Mr. Bromberg on the French Taxpayers Euros, one doubts he is a threat to civilization unless thrown in the Bastille, and after the large fine he pays to the Government, the civil suits begin, which will likely strip him and Lobster of its remaining assets. This and the fact that he will have to live with this and himself for the rest of his life seems pretty sizable punishment to us, and whether one agrees with this yay or nay, the fact remains that whatever Mr. Bromberg owes the people and the families of the people who were killed or injured in that fire, he owes nothing to the pompous blowhard air-heaters of that sorry little site, whatever little yips and yaps they make.

`Nuff said.


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