Who's the gossip in L&H's "Love 'em and Weep"?

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Who's the gossip in L&H's "Love 'em and Weep"?

Postby Skretvedt » Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:20 pm

I'm trying to figure out who plays "Old Lady Scandal," the gossip in the early Laurel & Hardy Pathé comedy "Love 'em and Weep." Dick Bann's filmography says Gale Henry, but clearly she's not the one. Gale Henry looks like Olive Oyl. Short dark hair, big expressive eyes (often crossed), no chin, gangly limbs. The lady in "Love 'em and Weep" looks like a tall, angry Woodrow Wilson in drag. And since Woodrow died in 1924, he's not the one, either.

Any help would be muchly appreciated.

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