Slapsticon Tickets on sale now!

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2905
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Slapsticon Tickets on sale now!

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Mar 06, 2013 3:49 pm

Hey Gang,

As the headline says, and you can buy either a full four-day pass or separate day passes for Slapsticon at the Indiana University Website at the below address:

If you're wanting to stay at the Biddle Hotel at IU's Student Union (a 500 foot walk to and from the Theater), I recommend you make your reservations now, as there is indeed a very limited number of rooms there that are going fast and cannot be added to once they are gone. I recommend that anyone who is planning to drive to the Fest get reservations at any of our alternate motels, the Days Inn, Super 8 or Travelodge down the road as anyone buying a full four-day membership will also get a parking pass to the Student Union parking lot near the Theater, so parking will not be a problem.


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