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Rob Stone
Posts: 52
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:15 am


Postby Rob Stone » Thu Mar 28, 2013 2:11 pm

Registration for this year's "MOSTLY LOST: Silent Film Archaeology II: A Film Identification Workshop" is now open. The workshop takes place June 6-8 at the Library of Congress Packard Campus in Culpeper, Virginia. The goal of the workshop is to utilize the accumulated knowledge of the attendees to identify as much information as possible about the unknown films that will be screened. The workshop is open to all silent film lovers, be they fan or scholar.

This year MOSTLY LOST will feature an early-bird tour of the Packard Campus and a special class on how to identify film called "Film I.D. 101", both of these activities will take place during the day on Thursday, June 6. More information on the schedule will be included in the registration e-mail. There are no registration fees for the workshop, but you must register in order to attend. If you are interested then please write to us at (cc: to and we will provide the registration information. Please be sure to include "MOSTLY LOST" in the subject line of your email.

For those that may have missed the original announcement, here it is:

The Library of Congress Packard Campus for Audio Visual Conservation is sponsoring “Mostly Lost: Silent Film Archaeology II,” the second in an ongoing series of Film Identification Workshops, on June 6-8, 2013 in Culpeper, Va. In keeping with the successful inaugural workshop in 2012, “Mostly Lost” will feature screenings of unidentified, under-identified or misidentified silent and early sound films. The new workshop will also include extra events, including an early bird tour of the state-of-the-art Packard Campus and a class on how to do basic film identification—Film ID 101. Other activities will be announced in coming months.

Ninety-five reels were screened at the first workshop and 38 of those—40 percent—were identified during the event. Through further research conducted after the workshop, attendees were able to identify eight additional titles, bringing the success rate up to 48 percent. The efforts by the AMIA Nitrate Committee FlickR website ( increased the percentage of identified titles to 55 percent with an additional six confirmed. A complete list of the identified titles will be posted in the near future.

Early film experts and archivists are encouraged to attend, but the workshop is also open to those who are interested in actively participating in researching the films showcased at the workshop.

In addition to films from the Library of Congress’ collections, “Mostly Lost” will again feature material from other film archives around the world. Live musical accompaniment during the workshop and evening presentations of newly preserved silent films will also be featured.

Detailed information, including registration instructions, will be forthcoming.
For more information contact Rob Stone ( ) or Rachel Parker (

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