80 death anniversary of Roscoe Arbuckle

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Lorenzo Tremarelli
Posts: 22
Joined: Wed May 29, 2013 5:27 am

80 death anniversary of Roscoe Arbuckle

Postby Lorenzo Tremarelli » Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:00 am

Hi to the forum members.

The day after tomorrow will be 80 years since Arbuckle's death.
I'm aware of an astonishing project, conceived and developed by an eminent film historian and producer, the great Paul Gierucki. An Arbuckle DVD Anthology and a marvellous book about his life and film career.
I kindly ask him an update on the development of these projects.

Finally, I conclude my post with the mention of a brief article written by me, in memory of Arbuckle (attention! this is only for italian speakers, not many here I believe, but one never knows): http://lorenzotremarelli.blogspot.it/2013/06/forever-yours-roscoe-arbuckle.html

See you next time!

All the best,

Lorenzo Tremarelli
"The more trouble you get a man into, the more comedy you get out of him" (Harold Lloyd)

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