THE NAUGHTY TWENTIES - Sennett footage

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Pasquale Ventura
Posts: 169
Joined: Sat Jun 01, 2013 7:52 pm

THE NAUGHTY TWENTIES - Sennett footage

Postby Pasquale Ventura » Thu Jul 25, 2013 4:44 pm

After TCM's broadcast of MODERN TIMES a few day ago they ran a couple of shorts. One of them was THE NAUGHTY TWENTIES, a one reel Warners Brothers subject showcasing newsworthy events of the 1920's like prohibition, sports, olympics, etc. For the going to the movies segment they played footage from a Mack Sennett comedy, or a couple spliced together.

Some of the same footage was used in HAPPY TIMES AND JOLLY MOMENTS with Eddie Gribbon from CALL A COP showing the chase scenes and getting bopped on the head with the club. From here the footage continues with Eddie chasing a fellow who hides behind a sidewalk sign then pops up wearing a beard disguise. Eddie chases the fellow further down the sidewalk only to be confused by several more men wearing the same beard and clothes so he makes it easy for himself by clubbing all of them one by one on the head. That's where the footage ends.

Has anyone else seen THE NAUGHTY TWENTIES? Is all the Eddie Gribbon footage from CALL A COP? I have never seen this Sennett comedy, except in brief excerpts from HAPPY TIMES AND JOLLY MOMENTS. So am curious.



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