"Boom in the Moon" soundtrack

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Chris Seguin

Re: "Boom in the Moon" soundtrack

Postby Chris Seguin » Sat Jul 18, 2009 4:09 pm

Richard, I think you nailed it, as usual. There's a relaxed, warm feel to ATOLL K you don't see in their later films, and is missing from most of their features from SWISS MISS onward. (The closest one might come to it is the "offscreen" Stan & Ollie in PICK A STAR.) Hardy has mellowed, and you're right, they're so comfortable with each other -- it's as if the years on tour actually brought a richness not only to their personal friendship, but to their onscreen performance. The kind of films you've envisioned for the older Stan & Ollie could've been very interesting, just as (obviously) the Fabulous Fables might have been. It really is our loss.

Ian Elliot
Posts: 66
Joined: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:55 am

Re: "Boom in the Moon" soundtrack

Postby Ian Elliot » Sun Aug 16, 2009 9:55 pm

Chris, just from a bit of googling around it appears that Georges Tzipine conducted and received composer credit for much of the inventory of two music libraries, that of Gaumont Newsreel in France (for which he was Music Director) and for the American-based MUTEL (Music For Television) Music Service, for which he recorded stock themes (supplied by usually uncredited American composers) used in early TV (SUPERMAN, RACKET SQUAD, etc.). I'd surmise that the L&H compilation tunes were hired from Gaumont, the BOOM IN THE MOON music from Mutel. I don't recall if BOOM sounds like early '50s TV, though.

Ian Elliot

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