Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

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Richard M Roberts
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Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:37 pm

Hey Gang,

Some footage both in front and behind the scenes on Jerry Lewis's ill-fated (or make that Director-hated) and unreleased THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED turned up on YouTube today:


Uli Ruedel
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Uli Ruedel » Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:08 am

Meanwhile, the original online source, rather than the cell phone recording that has gone viral, has been posted here, along with intriguing notes by Lewis biographer, Shawn Levy:

"1) The footage was shot in Paris in Feb '72, when JL performed with the Cirque d'Hiver for the pre-Auschwitz scenes. (This explains Birkin & Gainsbourg in the crowd and the French title on the slate.)

2) It's not -- and never has been -- solely in Lewis's power to release the film. He never had the rights to the script: His producer lied to him and told him he had an option, which had, in fact, expired before production began. Since then, the writer of the original script, Joan O'Brian, swore she'd never let Jerry have the rights; she has since passed. Also, there are only two negatives of the whole film, one in JL's possession, one in the vaults of Europa studios in Sweden, where the bulk of the film was shot and which was owed a six-figure sum for the production when it shut down 40 years ago. That's a number of significant hurdles to overcome..... "

BTW, Lewis and Etaix behind the scenes:


Richard M Roberts
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Richard M Roberts » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:02 am

I love how THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED is referred to in the article as a "holy grail" of film. Oh really? To whom? Jim Neibaur perhaps? As far as I'm concerned, there are a lot of "holy grails" before it. The Welles TOO MUCH JOHNSON footage is way before it, everything Orson Welles shot that I haven't seen is before it. Come to think of it, existing episodes of THE FLINTSTONES that I haven't seen come before it. Every YouTube cat video I haven't seen comes before it............Come to think of it, pretty damn much EVERYTHING comes before it!!!!!

You know it's gonna bite the big one, even Jerry Lewis thinks it sucks and look at some of the things he's actually let out there for the public to see. There are times when I'm happy to say, "I'll take your word for it", and move on. Whomever is stopping THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED from being released, all I have to say is "Thank You".

BTW, have you ever noticed Jerry Lewis's clown makeup is so indicative of his general ego mania? He's so afraid people won't recognize that its him that he can't even use clown-white or makeup the top half of his face. I remember in HARDLY WORKING where he played a lowly poor clown and he couldn't be bothered to take off his Rolex watch.


Jim Roots
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Jim Roots » Mon Aug 12, 2013 9:27 am

Well, that answers my question as to why Lewis doesn't just burn the damned thing to fulfil his vow that it will never be released.

Does that European archive really think it's going to get "a six-figure sum" to pay off the costs when he dies? I'd love to see the section in his will where he addresses their claim.

When you're surrounded by vultures, playing dead is not a good strategy.

Joe Migliore
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Joe Migliore » Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:52 pm

Richard M Roberts wrote:
I love how THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED is referred to in the article as a "holy grail" of film. Oh really? To whom? Jim Neibaur perhaps? As far as I'm concerned, there are a lot of "holy grails" before it. The Welles TOO MUCH JOHNSON footage is way before it, everything Orson Welles shot that I haven't seen is before it. Come to think of it, existing episodes of THE FLINTSTONES that I haven't seen come before it. Every YouTube cat video I haven't seen comes before it............Come to think of it, pretty damn much EVERYTHING comes before it!!!!!

You know it's gonna bite the big one, even Jerry Lewis thinks it sucks and look at some of the things he's actually let out there for the public to see. There are times when I'm happy to say, "I'll take your word for it", and move on. Whomever is stopping THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED from being released, all I have to say is "Thank You".

BTW, have you ever noticed Jerry Lewis's clown makeup is so indicative of his general ego mania? He's so afraid people won't recognize that its him that he can't even use clown-white or makeup the top half of his face. I remember in HARDLY WORKING where he played a lowly poor clown and he couldn't be bothered to take off his Rolex watch.

Perhaps the term "holy grail" is so over-used that it has been reduced to a cliché. Knowing how many lost works there are by truly great comedians, using that terminology to describe an unreleased Jerry Lewis movie seems profane, or at least indicates a total lack of understanding. (For one thing, it apparently exists, which is more than A SELF-MADE FAILURE has going for it, or any number of other lost comedies I have a pathological desire to see.)

It must be the kitsch crowd (anointing the truly bad as worthwhile of repeated viewings) that is dying to see this one. How many times can they watch The Brady Bunch before being ironic isn't enough anymore?

I still can't believe the fictionalized account of how Stan met Ollie that Lewis gives in that Tribute To Laurel & Hardy documentary. Is he unaware that this is all well documented history? Perhaps he is under the impression that we get our information from glitzy showbiz stars on The Mike Douglas Show. It's still 1973, right?

Pasquale Ventura
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Pasquale Ventura » Mon Aug 12, 2013 10:05 pm

The best thing about Lewis is ignoring him.

Jim Roots
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Jim Roots » Tue Aug 13, 2013 9:17 am

According to Jim Neibaur, whom I would trust on this point, the film was never even made. Only a few clips/scenes were ever actually filmed. The only thing that really exists in its entirety is the script ... which would certainly fit with the scriptwriter's claim that she owned the rights, not Lewis.

Who inherited her rights after she died? Anyone know? Presumably her literary executors?

I have no interest in the film -- I haven't even bothered to see Life is Beautiful -- but I enjoy watching the chase.

When you're surrounded by vultures, playing dead is not a good strategy.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:19 pm

So, over on Nutrateville, Jim Neibaur says :

"Whenever I see more discussion on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED I think, "why is this still such a big deal?""

Well, it doesn;t look like anyone but Neibaur is trying to discuss it.

Then again, what can one expect from anyone who believes everything Jerry Lewis says?


Joe Migliore
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Joe Migliore » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:31 am

Richard M Roberts wrote:
So, over on Nutrateville, Jim Neibaur says :

"Whenever I see more discussion on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED I think, "why is this still such a big deal?""

Well, it doesn;t look like anyone but Neibaur is trying to discuss it.

Then again, what can one expect from anyone who believes everything Jerry Lewis says?

I like how he casually tosses in Keaton's appearance in BEACH BLANKET BINGO; I suppose this serves the dual purpose of illustrating how all great comedians make poor choices, and also raising Lewis to Keaton's level in the process...a fool's errand if ever there was one. The analogy is so sloppy because Keaton's decision to steal someone else's movie for a paycheck doesn't begin to approach the magnitude of vanity, nor the complete lack of instinct required for THE DAY THE CLOWN CRIED. (Oh my God, I just realized something: Jerry Lewis is the Anti-Keaton!)

Well, if he feels the need to leap to the defense of a preternaturally unfunny comedian, he's got his work cut out for him. I'm sure if he gets an invitation to a private screening, he'll remember his words, and turn it down on principle. If he wants to see a comedian take the piss on NAZIS, he could do worse than WAR ITALIAN STYLE.

Jim Roots
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Re: Behind the Scenes Footage on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED

Postby Jim Roots » Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:09 pm

Richard M Roberts wrote:So, over on Nutrateville, Jim Neibaur says :

"Whenever I see more discussion on DAY THE CLOWN CRIED I think, "why is this still such a big deal?""

Well, it doesn;t look like anyone but Neibaur is trying to discuss it.

Then again, what can one expect from anyone who believes everything Jerry Lewis says?


Not sure JN actually believes everything Lewis tells him; he simply records what Lewis says, and leaves judgment out of it. Or at worst, takes the attitude that it's up to others to disprove whatever Lewis says.

What got my goat somewhat was the inconsistency in JN's account. First he said there was no such movie because it was never made beyond a few test clips. Then he said Lewis had three days' worth of shooting in his vault. Then it came out the entire film had been made, and only post-production work was lacking. And finally it was reported Lewis had a copy of the whole damned film in his vault.

It's not on my list of lost films to search for in my attic or basement. It's just a fun story, and I wanted to get the straight poop on it. Feels like I got some curved poop instead.

When you're surrounded by vultures, playing dead is not a good strategy.

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