Yes Virginia, there's gonna be a Charley Chase Roach Talkie set

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Chris Seguin
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Re: Yes Virginia, there's gonna be a Charley Chase Roach Talkie set

Postby Chris Seguin » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:48 pm

I don't have much to add to this conversation at the nonce beyond "Take my money!" -- I'm still gobsmacked every day by what my DVD shelf holds (the complete Chase and Keaton Columbias -- and the Shemps, Bessers and DeRitas too??) so I've got nothing but gratitude (and money) for those brave souls who (in this instance, Richard and Kit Parker) who make all this possible. An official release of the Chase-Roach talkies... Who'da ever thunk it.

Btw, anyone who has any reservations about the calibre of this project should go out and purchase Sprocket Vault's releases of WHEN COMEDY WAS KING and THE MYSTERIOUS AIRMAN. All doubts will be vanquished.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Yes Virginia, there's gonna be a Charley Chase Roach Talkie set

Postby Richard M Roberts » Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:44 am

My response on a Laurel and Hardy forum to someone who posted support for the Charley Chase set among some naysayers:

Well, thank you for the nice words and a little common sense, and believe me, I cannot agree with you more that my manner is beside the point (sometimes I even annoy myself), but it has been absolutely crazy some of the "speculation" that got spread around the internet, none of it being fact from the source, and no one was planning to reveal any information about this set for weeks, and suddenly we spend a weekend dealing with all sorts of inquiries as well as an Amazon page that was not created by The Sprocket Vault that has nothing but bogus and incorrect information as to things like release dates, price, number of discs, even the producer and distributor (most of this day has been spent by several with Amazon just trying to find out how this page came up on Amazon, who put it there, and how we can get it taken down).

Then we have people "speculating" about what is on a set that currently doesn't exist, or complaining that this currently non-existent set will not be up to whatever nonsensical standards they think they should be up to (not that most of them could ever replicate those standards and put out a set like this if they tried), or exclaiming that we haven't given them enough information about it (that bogus Amazon page already has one four-star review from someone unhappy that we haven't given them the titles, not seemingly realizing the irony that they are rating a set that they themselves have not seen and doesn't actually exist yet). Enough information? We haven't given anyone ANY information yet, and we will tell you more when it's time to tell you more, and the set is nearer completion and finalized and there is actually more to tell.

My message on the mafia is what the fans who were going crazy with the misinformation spread over the internet this last weekend needed to know, directly and to the point, The Sprocket Vault, Kit Parker and I have taken this on because we love the films and want them to be seen, but no one is going to go broke doing this, we've figured out the viable way to get it done, and it's the way we're going to do it, our track record for quality work speaks for itself, and we start the ball rolling with this set, but it's up to the fans of those films and performers to support it, if they do not, it will stop, and they will have no one to blame but themselves. If they do, they may be amazed at the treasures that will soon be within their reach.

Now, with good fortune I hope to be able to return to actually working on this set so we can actually get it out to you all with some lovely bells and whistles rather than having to spend time on the internet slapping some sense into some of you. Hate me all you want, those who actually get things done usually annoy those who don't, and though I have many friends, fans, or generally neutral customers out there across the Orthicon tube, I can really care less what the rest of you, especially the nameless ones, think of me. Nevertheless, I wish you all peace and a good night and the hope that when we speak again, I'll have more neat news for you.


Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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Re: Yes Virginia, there's gonna be a Charley Chase Roach Talkie set

Postby Richard M Roberts » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:59 pm

Okay Gang, here are the facts as they now stand:

THE AMAZON PAGE CURRENTLY LISTING CHARLEY CHASE: THE HAL ROACH TALKIES COLUME ONE 1930-31 IS NOT AN AUTHORIZED OR OFFICIAL LISTING FOR THIS TITLE. It currently shows a price of $23.13 and lists a release date of November 7, as well as showing the producer to be VCI. ALL OF THIS INFORMATION IS INCORRECT . Amazon is supposed to pull this information and stop taking orders on this page as of today but how long it will take them to change it is unknown.

There are also several other distributors listing this DVD and taking pre-orders on the Internet. They have been asked to stop and change or remove this information. We are letting you know that anyone pre-ordering this set from any other distributor apart from The Sprocket Vault on Amazon will not be getting it in the quickest manner because it will be a Sprocket Vault exclusive for at least 90 days when it is released.

The thing to do now is to sit tight, not pre-order this set from anyone, and wait for The Sprocket Vault to put out the official press release which will have all the true and accurate information you want to know, including release date, price, how many discs, and what is actually on the set. At that point, the actual, official, and authorized Amazon page for The Sprocket Vault and this set will be up on Amazon and we will give you the link so you know it’s the correct one.

Ordering this set directly from The Sprocket Vault on Amazon will get the set to you fastest, at the best price, and guarantee that The Sprocket Vault maximizes it’s profit from the set, which will keep the future sets coming.

Everybody just be patient and relax, this is why we didn’t want you to know about this until we were ready to release this set, and others jumped the gun and caused this trouble.


Richard M Roberts
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Re: Yes Virginia, there's gonna be a Charley Chase Roach Talkie set

Postby Richard M Roberts » Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:40 am

An ardent supporter on the Laurel and Hardy forum quoted the EXTRA! EXTRA! facts and made an impassioned plea to support the set, I responded:

If you are going to quote it, I'd appreciate you quoting the whole thing, including the complete last line:

"Everybody just be patient and relax, this is why we didn’t want you to know about this until we were ready to release this set, and others jumped the gun and caused this trouble."

This is exactly why you get blunt speaks from me folks, the internerds were already whining and complaining about this set before I ever spoke out about it, as they do about most home media releases, they think it makes them sound like experts and they think it actually helps these releases, and they are wrong on both points. After being involved in this area of interest for more than fifty years, I have pretty much wearied of this sort of nonsense, I have watched the "fans" shoot themselves in the foot more times than I care to remember doing this sort of thing, and as I've said, no one pays me enough to put up with it. Anyone who boycotts this set because they can't deal with the facts are fools, they are hurting no one but themselves in getting access to the films they want to see.

The real truth is though, these naysayers are in the minority no matter what noises they make on the internet, the positive response we have received both public and private far outweighs it, most could care less what "internet drama" plays it self out, it's the films that matter, not you or I. As I said, no one working on the set wanted any of you to know about it this week, the info was put out by people not part of producing the set, then much rumor was spread by some wanting to feel important at scooping the info without checking into it's actual veracity, and also a lot of other well-meaning people just exited at the news wanting to share or know more. The former who have been called out on their behavior by me will ruffle their feathers, rather than admit they were wrong and learn from it, it's the usual pattern, but they will buy the set, if they were actually intending to in the first place, as will the rest. If they don't they again hurt no one but themselves and have no one else to blame if no further sets materialize.

Now, though I believe you are one of the well-meaning ones and appreciate your support, I suggest you also relax and give it a rest. We'd really like to be able to go back to work on the set itself.


Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Re: Yes Virginia, there's gonna be a Charley Chase Roach Talkie set

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sat Sep 02, 2017 3:23 am

Ahhh, a full day of silence on this subject, peace quiet at last, Amazon still hasn't removed the bogus page for the set, but considering it's the holiday weekend, that's no surprise. Just stay away from it folks, the genuine page is probably weeks away.

And with that, to the relief of one and all (including myself), I have nothing further to say.


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