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Ed Watz
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Re: CHARLEY CHASE AT HAL ROACH: THE TALKIES VOLUME TWO 1932-33 coming out this Tuesday

Postby Ed Watz » Mon Sep 16, 2019 3:21 am

Second 100 Years actual title card.jpeg
Second 100 Years actual title card.jpeg (76.25 KiB) Viewed 17198 times
David Pickard wrote:
PS. I'm still hoping to live long enough to see a complete print of 'The Second 100 Years'!

Seeing a complete THE SECOND 100 YEARS has always meant a great deal more to me than finally watching Reel Two of THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY.

It was another of our great Capos, Rob Farr, who years ago confirmed my suspicions that Blackhawk's version was missing numerous shots when he generously sent me the film's cutting continuity.

A digitized copy of YEARS was shown last month in Bonn, Germany and earlier this month in Munich, thanks to another dedicated film historian and Hal Roach authority, Stefan Droessler (curator of the Munich Film Museum and the driving force behind that essential Max Davidson DVD set issued several years ago).

Stefan's restored version of THE BATTLE OF THE CENTURY played last Christmas season on the ARTE channel. There's always a possibility that THE SECOND 100 YEARS will eventually end up there as well. Better still, wouldn't it be nice to have a newly restored set of Laurel & Hardy's silent shorts issued? (I'm starting to sound too greedy so I'm stopping now!)
"Of course he smiled -- just like you and me." -- Harold Goodwin, on Buster Keaton (1976)

Frank Thompson
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Re: CHARLEY CHASE AT HAL ROACH: THE TALKIES VOLUME TWO 1932-33 coming out this Tuesday

Postby Frank Thompson » Sat Dec 14, 2019 1:04 pm

I meant to note and highly recommend this terrific set weeks ago. But life got hectic and it took a good long while for me to watch all the shorts included here and then watch them again to listen to Richard M. Roberts's knowledgeable and often hilarious commentary tracks.

The first Charley Chase set released by Sprocket Vault was a revelation to me. I was familiar with Chase to a certain extent but he always seems hit-and-miss to me. But I came away from these beautifully-presented comedies with a genuine respect and affection. Most of Chase's films in Volume I were side-splitting and those that weren't were invariably fun. Of course, his frequent co-star Thelma Todd didn't hurt. She made any film better just by being in it.

Volume 2 is, if anything, even more revelatory. Sad to say, Thelma Todd appears in only one of the films, "The Nickel Nurser," but her place is ably taken by Muriel Evans who is a thorough delight and pairs with Chase beautifully.

And, of course, these comedies are filled to the top with some of the funniest people on the Roach lot -- Billy Gilbert, Dell Henderson, Jimmy Finlayson and other greats.

But what I really love about most of the films in Volume 2 is how absurd, bordering on surreal, so many of the shorts are. If Chase seems most naturally cast in situation comedies, the situations in these are way over the top, hilariously so.

I like to think Sprocket Vault included one short just for me -- "Arabian Tights" is set in the French Foreign Legion which is an enduring interest of mine. Unfortunately, "Tights" isn't that funny to me. The same can be said for one or two others here which I won't name (you might love 'em).

Mostly, though, the shorts in "Charley Chase at Hal Roach: The Talkies Volume 2 1932-33" (whew!) are laugh-out-loud funny. The two volumes released so far have raised Chase in my personal estimation from someone who's enjoyable in fits and starts to a comedic artist who I consider to be among the best of his era.

Get these DVDs and you'll see what I mean.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: CHARLEY CHASE AT HAL ROACH: THE TALKIES VOLUME TWO 1932-33 coming out this Tuesday

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun Dec 15, 2019 5:52 am

Thanks for the very nice words Frank, and Happy Holidays to you.


Joe Migliore
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Re: CHARLEY CHASE AT HAL ROACH: THE TALKIES VOLUME TWO 1932-33 coming out this Tuesday

Postby Joe Migliore » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:18 am

I just submitted this to Amazon. Thank you, all.

A few years ago a new Christmas tradition began for me: Sprocket Vault had released the first volume of Charley Chase talkies, and after unwrapping them, I spent the next week enjoying these short subjects, and by the time the new year had arrived, I was able to watch them again with Richard Roberts' commentary track. It was such a great experience, that the following year I asked for their Thelma Todd & Zasu Pitts collection, and again spent the week after watching shorts at every opportunity, and ringing in the new year with commentaries by Roberts, and other film historians like Rob Farr, Brent Walker, and Randy Skretvedt. Well, now I'm obviously an addict, so I spent this past holiday season with the second volume of Charley Chase shorts, which I highly recommend! I only just finished the commentaries, and I'm already excited for their next release, Harry Langdon's complete Roach output. Knowing there are more Chase shorts, and other untapped Hal Roach series, I'm hoping this tradition lasts well into my dotage. Thank you Sprocket Vault, Kit Parker, and Richard M. Roberts for wrangling this project into reality. These films truly are gifts that keep on giving.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: CHARLEY CHASE AT HAL ROACH: THE TALKIES VOLUME TWO 1932-33 coming out this Tuesday

Postby Richard M Roberts » Tue Jan 14, 2020 3:27 am

Thank you Joe, I am happy to be a part of your annual Holiday Cheer.


Rob Farr
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Re: CHARLEY CHASE AT HAL ROACH: THE TALKIES VOLUME TWO 1932-33 coming out this Tuesday

Postby Rob Farr » Fri May 01, 2020 4:50 pm

A rave review from The Lost Laugh e-zine. Better late than never but I think they only publish one or two issues a year. They also announce the Harry Langdon set. Download issue 12 from here:
Rob Farr
"If it's not comedy, I fall asleep" - Harpo Marx

Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Re: CHARLEY CHASE AT HAL ROACH: THE TALKIES VOLUME TWO 1932-33 coming out this Tuesday

Postby Richard M Roberts » Mon May 04, 2020 11:41 pm

BTW, if you never got Charley Chase: At Hal Roach: The Talkies Volume Two 1932-33, this is also now available on special from Amazon for $18.99: ... T3SW65WJ9P


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