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GIRL CRAZY (1929) Andy Clyde, Vernon Dent, Alma Bennett

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 4:42 am
by Ed Watz
Very enjoyable Mack Sennett early talkie, released by Educational on June 9, 1929. As usual, Andy Clyde and Vernon Dent do some terrific work together and it's nice seeing Alma Bennett in one of her very few appearances in a Sennett sound film.

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Re: GIRL CRAZY (1929) Andy Clyde, Vernon Dent, Alma Bennett

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:38 am
by Ed Watz
And just like that, this account was closed by YouTube. Must've been due to that 1929 version of SEVEN KEYS TO BALDPATE with Richard Dix that wasn't yet at PD status. I'm glad I got to see both of these films, the '29 BALDPATE was extremely good and a lively adaptation.