MVD Special on all other Sprocket Vault Roach titles

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 3065
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

MVD Special on all other Sprocket Vault Roach titles

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun Dec 01, 2024 2:01 am

Hey Gang,

Check out at the bottom of MVD's sales page for the new Charley Chase late silent 27 set and you'll notice that their selling all of our other Sprocket Vault Roach titles at HALF PRICE, that's $12.48 for the other Charley Chase, Langdon and Todd/Pitts sets, and the LAUREL AND HARDY DEFINITIVE RESTORATIONS set is also 50% off ($29.98 for the Blu-ray, $24.98 for the DVD) : ... 27-blu-ray

If you didn't get the sets, or want another copy, or Christmas presents for friends, now's your chance to get them at a bargain.


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