Riviera Times: Hunt on for witnesses of classic film shoot

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Bruce Calvert
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Riviera Times: Hunt on for witnesses of classic film shoot

Postby Bruce Calvert » Sun Mar 13, 2011 11:42 pm

http://www.rivieratimes.com/index.php/c ... -1303.html

Hunt on for witnesses of classic film shoot
In the summer of 1950 Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy washed up on the shore of the Côte d’Azur to shoot what was to be their last film, Atoll K. A number of scenes were shot on the Riviera, on Cap Roux for example, in the port of Marseille and in the Studios de cinema de La Victorine in Nice. Now a television production company from Germany are making a documentary about two of the most celebrated film comedians of all time and are on the hunt for people who witnessed the classic film being made firsthand.

The team of documentary makers, in the South of France from the first to the fourth of April, hope to interview some of those who worked with the Hollywood stars on the movie or who saw them or met them whilst they were based in the region for the shoot. They are also interested in finding photographs and film-footage (professional or homemade) taken on the set of Atoll K or of Laurel and Hardy in France, and also of other general items connected to the movie like scripts, props and costumes. Anyone who can help should contact Andreas Baum of Exit Film on +49 561 103 923 or email: exitbaum(at)aol.com

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