CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

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Joe Moore
Posts: 332
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CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:28 pm

HI Guys and Gals,

My first post here. I'm just now starting to get back on line regularly after my last computer crashed about 10 months ago.

I'll start off posting some of these rare bits from CAMERA approximately where I left off at some months ago (there may be a little overlap between the last stuff I posted there and where the real new stuff starts so bear with me).

Joe Moore


Casts of the Week

Fred Caldwll Productions
(Fine Arts)
Fred Caldwell, director
Edgar Lynch, photographer
I. Rounceville, assistant director
Helen Van Upp, scenarist
Raymond Cannon
Cecil Holland
Victor Potel
Violet Schram
Gale Henry
Charles Mack


Louis Buston Productions
Rowland Lee, Director
George Barnes, Camerman
Dan Keefe, Assistant Director
Jack Clymer and Henry Symons, Scenarists
John Bowers
Ralph Lewis
Margueritte de la Motte
Joseph Dowling
David Butler
Chester Conklin
Estelle Taylor
Hank Mann
Edward Connely
Walter Long
Lucille Hutton
Noah Beery

Mal St. Clair presents
George O’Hara
Clara Horton
Arthur Rankin
M. E. Ryan
William Courtwright
Kit Guard
Albert Cooke
Mabel Van Buren

Along the Rialto

Flora Finch is lying in the Jamaica Hospital, Jamaica, Long Island, suffering from a broken hip. The doctor’s expect her to remain in bed all winter.
(Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 6)

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:17 pm

Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Fri Jun 26, 2009 10:04 am

The Silent Trend

One of the brightest, snappiest stories ever unfolded in a photoplay is that which comes into one’s scope of comprehension as a result of seeing “A Front Page Story,” which was previewed in the Play Room of the Writer’s Club last Tuesday evening. In the first place, it is pure comedy-drama, unalloyed by any of the subterfuges of extreme fictitous license of which too many make too much use. In the second place, it is a story which really deserves space on the front page! The comedy evolves with natural grace from genuinely human situations and the drama is the very kind of drama which comes into the life of most anyone most any day. Explicitly, here is an ordinary page from human life made exceedingly interesting by a combination of clever scenario construction and excellent character interpretations by a cast of intelligent players. Edward Horton is starred and he justifies his selection for this premiership by giving one of those sterling performances such as is sure to ingratiate him extensively with a general public. Forsooth, here is the ideal picture for the general public-it is one anybody and everybody will appreciate because of its attractive simplicity and undeniable power to hold to the interest in wholesome entertainment. Mr. Horton’s supporting cast is all good-Lloyd Ingraham, Edith Roberts, Lila Leslie, James Corrigan, Tom McGuire, Mathilde Brundage, Buddy Messinger, and W. E. Lawrence are all satisfactory in the roles assigned to them and several of them do exceptionally fine work. It is interesting to note that “A Front Page Story” has had sincere encomiums bestowed upon it in all quarters occupied by authorities on picture values. For instance, The Film Daily agrees that “when it comes to laughs and sure-fire entertainment, ‘A Front Page Story’ is there” while Moving Picture World brands it “an exceptionally good comedy-drama…distinctly superior, “ and Motion Picture News is “of the opinion that the company should toot its horn in giving us such a pleasing slice of reality,” for, as this periodical adds, “its humor is subtle and novel and appealing.” Jess Robbins, who has produced “A Front Page Story” so well proves himself a master of this particular type of picture and it is no risk to predict his directorial star will rise rapidly if he keeps on this track. This is the third of a series he is making for Vitagraph, the other two being “Too Much Business” and “A Ladder Jinx.” (Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 8)

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
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Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:19 pm


Wheeler Dryden, well known stage and screen actor, made his debut as a playright a few weeks ago when his three-act mystery drama, “Suspicion,” which he wrote in collaboration with George Appell, a prominent Los Angeles attorney, was produced at Egan’s Theatre. This is Mr. Dryden’s first full-length play, although he has written others in one act, notably, “The Dawn of Truth,” specially written for Mildred Harris, and “The Wasp,” which may be used as vehicles for a vaudeville tour in the near future.
In addition to creating the character of Jake Pepperstein, the Jewish second-hand dealer in “Suspicion,” Mr. Dryden is stage manger of the the production, and among other actors and actresses in the cast who are prominent on stage and screen are: Marjorie Meadows, Clarrissa Selwynne, Violet Schramm, Wedgewood Nowell, Boyd Irwin, Theodore von Eltz, Mitchell Ingraham, Ross Forrester, William Eugene, Charles Healey, Robert Clark, Edwin Zunn, William Oakley, and Gerge Appell, Junior.
The play was directed by Roland Rushton, late of the David Belasco forces in New York City, and is presented by Walter Hast, prominent theatrical producer, who has such successes as “Scandal,” “The Little Brother,” and “Martinique” to his credit.
“Suspicion” has now been playing at Egan’s Theatre for five consecutive weeks.
(Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 9)

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
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Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:52 am


Director Fred Caldwell, who produced “Night Life in Hollywood,” a feature of his own writing, has commenced work upon another story of Hollywood. This film play, which is entitled “Knighthood in Hollywood,” will be the initial output of the newly formed Fred Caldwell productions, to be followed by a series of comedy-dramas of the same order. Actual shooting is now under way at the Fine Arts studios.

Margaret Leahy, England’s prize-winning film beauty, is playing opposite Buster Keaton, frozen-faced screen comedian, in his first five-reel production.
Selected from an army of 80,000 contestants as Great Britain’s most beautiful girl, Miss Leahy was brought to America by Norma and Constance Talmadge, who agreed to sponsor her film career.
Originally Miss Leahy was to play Aggie Lynch supporting Norma Talmadge in “Within the Law,” but photographic tests revealed Miss Leahy’s exceptional adaptability for comedy leads. Hence her assignment to Buster Keaton in a part more important than the one for which she was selected as the winner of the beauty contest.
Eddie Cline has been chosen to direct Buster Keaton, and Jean Havez has returned to work in the comedian’s scenario department.
Keaton now has four talented writer’s on staff. Besides Havez, there are Thomas H. Gray, well-known writer of many stage and screen successes: Joseph Mitchell, who is responsible for numerous laughing hits, and Clyde Bruckman, contributor to The Saturday Evening Post and other publications, and a veteran writer for the screen. (Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 11)

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
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Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:37 am

Boiled Down and Served Up!

The Century Comedy Club held its second meeting on January 2nd, and plans to break ground for a bungalow-clubhouse were discussed. Honorary President Julius Stern is due in time for the third meeting, which will be held at the Ambassador hotel.

“The Two Twins” is the tentative title of the new “Bull Montana comedy which Hunt Stromberg is producing for Metro. This will take the place of “They Call It Dancing,” previously announced as the fifth of this series of fun makers. Albert Austin is directing “The Two Twins.”

“Garden of Geysers,” the next release of Lyman H. Howe’s Hodge-Podge, shows interesting views of geysers in Yellowstone National Park and contains also some clever animated cartoons and trick photography.

Wallace Beery, one of the most prominent screen villains of filmdom, will support Buster Keaton in the sober-faced comedian’s initial five-reel feature comedy, “Three Ages,” now in the course of production. Margaret Leahy, the English prize-winning beauty, will play opposite Buster.

Four big producing companies are bidding for Larry Semon, say rumors at the comedian’s studio. The funmaker’s three-million-dollar contract with Vitagraph expires with the completion of five more comedies, and an announcement is expected almost hourly of a new contract to take effect when the remaining five pictures are finished.
(Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 10)

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
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Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Tue Jun 30, 2009 9:36 am

Possibly About You And-You!

Walter Heirs, Paramount’s latest addition to their galaxy of stars has left for Syracuse, New York., where he will wed Miss Adah Williams, a non-professional. Walter will return in a few weeks, bringing his wife with him.

Larry Semon’s p. a. tells us he (Larry) is still wearing a straw lid, to convince his eastern friends that it is always summer here.

Frank Hayes, the comedian with the mobile face, who played the role of Ci Prime in “The Old Homestead,” and also enacted an important role in “One Week of Love,” has been cast to play a spinster in Larry Semon’s new comedy, as yet untitled.

Edith Lee Grant is the latest to be added to the galaxy of Century Comedy beauties.

Junior Coghlan, since returning from his visit to New York, has played with Bobbie Dunn, Johnnie Walker, and also Dorothy Dalton in “The Law of the Lawless.” He has signed to play the leading child role in Hugh Deiker’s new feature at the Fine Arts.

An all-star cast, consisting of Jack Earle, Jack Cooper, Harry Archer and Lois Boyd, will be Century’s first picture for 1923. Al Herman will direct it.

Pinto, popular cartoonist of the United Feature Syndicate, and known from coast to coast, has been made “gagman” for Century Comedy productions.

Jim Davis, well-known comedy director of the old school, has been engaged to make a series of comedies for Century. He will direct Buddy Messinger’s third for that company.

Baby Peggy has stepped into the role of philanthropist here in Los Angeles by offering to personally sell the “Peggy” doll for a helpless crippled girl, who makes these dolls for a livelihood.

Charles Mack has been cast for an important part in “Knighthood in Hollywood,” a Fred Caldwell production.

Alfred Gosden, pioneer cinematographer, has completed a long engagement at Berwilla studio as cameraman for the Bobby Dunn comedies.
(Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 13)

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
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Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:22 am

Capping Last-Minute Climaxes

Eddie Foy has just taken his fourth matrimonial leap. Marie Coombs, a Texas widow and former motion picture actress is the new Mrs. Foy. Eddie is 64 years old and has been blessed with fifteen children. “Brynie” Foy, his eldest son, lives in Hollywood, being a comedy writer for William Fox.

It seems certain a serious attempt will be made to enact a Los Angeles city law which will bar all immoral actors and actresses from appearing on the screen. The Friday morning club, an organization composed of women, is sponsoring and urging the move and there are indications of the possibility of the city council taking early action on the matter. All photoplayers, stars and supernumeraries alike, if they lead questionable lives, would be eliminated from the local studio activities if this ordinance is passed.

Governor Al Smith of New York, true to his recent campaign pledges, has asked the legislature of his state to repeal the motion picture censorship law and immediate favorable action is expected. This means the beginning of the end of screen restrictions imposed by reformers throughout the country.

Through the praiseworthy efforts of the motion picture industry aided by various social and civic organizations, the war on illicit drugs has been made so potential that the United States government has redoubled its energies in arousing practically all the nations of the world to a concentrated campaign to stop the vicious traffic. An anti-narcotic week and an international convention to devise ways and means of crushing the evil at its source are two projects of the early future as a result of the determined interest now being taken by the Los Angeles District Federation of Women’s Clubs. Never before has there been so much reason for hoping that the dope menace will be destroyed and important arrests are increasing rapidly. (Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 14)

Rob Farr
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Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Rob Farr » Thu Jul 02, 2009 4:23 am

By the way, all of Joe's past Camera Comedy Clippings are archived here: . As soon as he completes an issue we will post it in toto.
Rob Farr
"If it's not comedy, I fall asleep" - Harpo Marx

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:17 pm

Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Thu Jul 02, 2009 10:26 am

News and Gossip About the Moving Throngs of Movieland

Mickey Neilan was a messenger boy not so many years ago. Douglas Fairbanks was a hardware clerk. Allan Dwan used to be an electrical engineer. Charlie Chaplin was once an acrobat and George Melford used to shoot glass balls with a rifle in a traveling circus. Lloyd Hughes was once a bookkeeper. Monty Banks was a wine merchant in Italy and Frank Lloyd used to climb telegraph poles when he worked on a construction gang. (Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 15)

Flashes From Frisco

Dan Mason and company are on their last week’s work on the last Plum Center Comedy at the old Paul Gerson Studios on Tenth Street. (Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 21)

Joe Moore
Posts: 332
Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:17 pm

Re: CAMERA Comedy Clippings, January 13, 1923

Postby Joe Moore » Fri Jul 03, 2009 9:40 am

Pulse of the Studios

For Week Starting Monday January 15

BERWILLA STUDIO. 5281 Santa Monica Blvd. Holly 3130

Eddie Lyons Productions (Arrow release).

Director: Eddie Lyons Star: Eddie Lyons Ass’t Direct.: De Rue Scenarist: Eddie Lyons Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule

Ben Wilson Productions (Federated release).

Director: Monty Banks Star: Monty Banks Cameraman: Wm. Nobles Ass’t Direct.: McDaugh Type: Comedies Progress: Mexico

CENTURY STUDIO. 6100 Sunset Blvd. Julius Stern, Gen. Mgr. Bert Sternback, Casting. Holly 96

Century Comedies (Universal release).

Director: H. C. Raymaker Star: Baby Peggy Cameraman: Jerry Ash Ass’t Direct.: Dave Smith Scenarist: H. C. Raymaker Type: “Kissable Tess” Progress: 2nd Week

Director: Jim Davis Star: Brownie Cameraman: Jerry Ash Ass’t Direct.: Zion Myers Scenarist: Jim Davis Type: “Tell-tale Tail” Progress: 1st Week

Director: Al Herman Star: All-Star Cameraman: Billy Williams Ass’t Direct.: Sandrich Scenarist: Herman-Neufeld Type: “Spooky Romance” Progress: 1st Week

CHAPLIN STUDIO Alfred Reeves, Gem Mgr. 1416 La Brea Ave. Holly 4070

Regent Film Company (United Artists release).

Director: Charles Chaplin Star: Edna Purviance Cameraman: Rollin Totheroh Ass’t Direct.: Eddie Sutherland Scenarist: J. Wilson Type: “Destiny” Progress: 8th Week

FINE ARTS STUDIOS. Individual Casting. 6101 Sunset. C. H. Christie, Gen Mgr. Holly 3100

Fred Caldwell Productions.

Director: Fred Caldwell Star: All-Star Cameraman: Ernie Miller Ass’t Direct.: Ray Cannon Scenarist: Blackwood-Van Up Type: Comedy-Dramas Progress: Schedule

Jess Robbins Productions (Vitagraph release)

Director: Jess Robbins Star: E. Everett Horton Ass’t Direct.: Jack Boland Scenarist: Staff Type: Comedy Drama Progress: Casting

Amalgamated Productions. (Metro)

Director: G. M. Anderson Star: Stan Laurel Cameraman: Irving Reis Scenarist: Staff Type: “When Knights Were Cold” Progress: Schedule

Sacramento Picture Corp.

Director: Lambert Hillyer Star: All-Star Ass’t Direct.: Lester Manter Scenarist: Lambert Hillyer Type: “Temporary Marriage” Progress: 3rd Week

FOX STUDIO. C. A. Bird, Casting. 1401 N. Western Ave. Holly 3000

Director: Al St. John Star: Al St. John Cameraman: Ernest S. Depew Ass’t Direct.: Benny Stoloff Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule

Director: Slim Summerville Star: Clyde Cook Cameraman: Jay Turner Ass’t Direct.: Arthur Cohn Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule

Director: Erle Kenton Star: Stock Cameraman: Vic. Scheurich Ass’t Direct.: Regaie Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule

Director: Norman Taurog Star: Joe Roberts Ass’t Direct.: Roberts Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule

GOLDWYN STUDIO. R. B. McIntyre, Casting. Culver City. 76711

Director: Clarence Badger Star: All-Star Cameraman: Rudolph Bergquist Scenarist: Carey Wilson Type: “Red Lights” Progress: Casting

Director: Rupert Hughes Star: All-Star Cameraman: John Mescall Ass’t Direct.: James Flood Scenarist: Rupert Hughes Type: “Souls For Sale” Progress: 6th Week

HORSLEY STUDIO. 6050 Sunset Blvd. Holly 7945

Hallroom Boys Comedies. Harry Cohn, Mgr. Holly 7940

Director: Al Santell Star: Alexander Alt Cameraman: Billy Williams Ass’t Direct.: Roland Asher Scenarist: Jean Havez Type: Comedies Progress: Schedule

HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS. 6642 Santa Monica Blvd. J. Jasper, Mgr. Holly 1431

Carlton King Productions. Harry McCabe, Prod. Mgr.

Director: Martin Justice Star: Carlton King Cameraman: Carl Widen Ass’t Direct.: Harry McCabe Scenarist: Justice Type: Comedy-Drama Progress: Schedule
(Camera Vol. 5 No. 40 pg. 17)

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