Ain't Love Grand? (1921)

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Bruce Calvert
Posts: 149
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Location: Plano, TX USA

Ain't Love Grand? (1921)

Postby Bruce Calvert » Sun May 30, 2010 1:04 pm

Ain't Love Grand? (1921) is a Fox Sunshine comedy from 1921 starring (and directed by) Al St. John. The IMDB has very little information on it.

aintLoveGrand_still.JPG (48.11 KiB) Viewed 5462 times

I'm trying to identify the actors in this still. Al is definitely in the middle, and I think that it Babe London on the right. Any idea who is on the left? Thanks.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Ain't Love Grand? (1921)

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sun May 30, 2010 2:09 pm

Bruce Calvert wrote:Ain't Love Grand? (1921) is a Fox Sunshine comedy from 1921 starring (and directed by) Al St. John. The IMDB has very little information on it.

I'm trying to identify the actors in this still. Al is definitely in the middle, and I think that it Babe London on the right. Any idea who is on the left? Thanks.

On the left is Hilliard Karr. That is not Babe London on the right.


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