DVD's for sale

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Louie Despres
Posts: 350
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:31 pm

DVD's for sale

Postby Louie Despres » Mon Apr 16, 2012 2:41 pm

Time has come for me to pare down my DVD collection. Stuff from Warner Brothers, MGM, Universal, 20th Century Fox, Criterion, Image, Milestone, Sunrise Silents, Vintage Film Buff, Looser than Loose, etc. LOTS of hard to find and out of print titles, also. All discs are in excellent condition, stored and handled with extreme care and with 99% of them, I was the first and only owner. Will ship internationally. All are sold on a first come first serve basis and new titles will be added about every month. If you want to receive a price list, please PM me your email address and I will send it over. Please be patient if I don't answer right away, I WILL respond.

Louie Despres
Posts: 350
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:31 pm

Re: DVD's for sale

Postby Louie Despres » Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:04 pm

I will offer up a 10% discount for all orders over $100, shipping not included. The more you buy the more you save!!

Joe Migliore
Posts: 194
Joined: Mon Aug 16, 2010 1:57 pm

Re: DVD's for sale

Postby Joe Migliore » Sun May 13, 2012 12:57 pm

Thanks, Louie! When you have another list, shoot one my way.

Louie Despres
Posts: 350
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:31 pm

Re: DVD's for sale

Postby Louie Despres » Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:13 pm

I have an updated list coming out shortly and have probably added 200-250 new discs and have discounted some prices on others. For everyone who PM'd me about getting an email copy of the list, you are on my email list and will get a copy of the new one. If you didn't get a list last time, PM me and I will send this new one to you. THANKS!

Louie Despres
Posts: 350
Joined: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:31 pm

Re: DVD's for sale

Postby Louie Despres » Fri Aug 31, 2012 9:47 am

Hello! Here's an updated list of the DVD's I am selling. There's stuff from Warner Brothers, MGM, Universal, 20th Century Fox, Criterion, Image, Milestone, Masters of Cinema, Flicker Alley, Sunrise Silents, Vintage Film Buff, Looser than Loose, a bunch of PAL format, etc., but mostly pre-70’s and I have no blu-rays for sale. LOTS of hard to find and out of print titles, also.

All discs are in excellent condition, usually only played once or twice
by me, stored and handled with extreme care and with 99% of them, I was the first and only owner. Will ship internationally, but please be aware that rates are high! All DVD’s are sold on a first come first serve
basis. Discounts will be given on orders over $100. Please be patient
if I don't answer right away, I WILL respond.

Send me a PM with the titles you are interested, any questions
you may have, and your country of origin, so I can calculate postage.


Thank you!


Prices are without shipping. I accept payments through PayPal, money orders, and checks (seven days to clear the bank). FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED as these are single copies!

Warner Brothers
The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle - $7.00
Best Foot Forward - $7.00
Till The Clouds Roll By - $5.00
Gangsters Collection (Public Enemy/White Heat/Angels With Dirty Faces/Little Caesar/Petrified Forest/Roaring Twenties) - $30.00
Humphrey Bogart Collection (Casablanca/Key Largo/The Big Sleep/Maltese Falcon) - $20.00
Humphrey Bogart Collection 2 (The Maltese Falcon 3 dvd’s/Across the Pacific/Action in the North Atlantic/All Through The Night/Passage To Marseille) - $25.00
King Kong Collection (King Kong – 2 DVD’s/Son of Kong/Mighty Joe Young) - $8.00
Humphrey Bogart Signature Collection Vol. 1 (Casablanca : 2 DVD’s/The Treasure of the Sierra Madre : 2 DVD’s/High Sierra/ They Drive By Night) 6 dvd’s - $30.00
Freaks (’32) - $8.00
Mildred Pierce - $8.00
They Drive By Night (’40) - $10.00
Dr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde ’32 & ’41 versions - $20.00
Garbo Silents Collection: The Temptress (’26)/Flesh and the Devil (’27)/The Mysterious Lady (’28) - $5.00
L.A. Confidential (’97) - $3.00
Mars Attacks (’96) - $3.00
Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory 2001 edition (’71) - $4.00
Dr. Who: The Talons of Weng-Chiang (’77) (2 DVD’s) - $20.00
Dr. Who: Robots of Death (’77) - $10.00

Sabrina (’54) - $4.00
Le Mans (’71) - $12.00

Sahara (’43) - $6.00
His Girl Friday (’40) – $5.00
The Three Stooges - Stooged & Confused (Columbia) $2.00
It Happened One Night (’34) (1999 version)- $8.00
Lawrence of Arabia (’62) (2 DVD’s) (2001 Hardcase version) - $5.00
Dogma: Special Edition (’99) (2 DVD’s) - $6.00

Oliver Twist (’22)/The Light of Faith (’22) $12.00
Nomads of the North (’20)/The Shock (’23) $15.00
The Hunchback of Notre Dame Ultimate Edition $12.00
Slapstick Encyclopedia (5 DVD’s) $80.00
Victory (’19)/The Wicked Darling (’19) $12.00
Rain (’32) - $10.00
Olive Thomas Collection – The Flapper (’20)/Everybody’s Sweetheart (’04) - $50.00
Tol’able David (’21) - $15.00
The Complete Charley Bowers (2 DVD’s)- $50.00
The Show-Off (’26)/The Plastic Age (’25) - $12.00
Treasures from the American Film Archives: 50 Preserved Films (4 DVD’s) - $165.00
More Treasures From the American Film Archives: 1894-1931 (3 DVD’s) - $58.00
Treasures III: Social Issues In American Films 1900-1934 (4 DVD’s ) - $58.00
The Ed Wood Box (6 DVD’s) Plan 9 From Outer Space (’59)/ Glen or Glenda (’53)/Jail Bait (’54)/Bride of the Monster (’56)/Night of the Ghouls (’58)/The Haunted World of Edward D. Wood, Jr. (’96) - $

Tabu $25.00
The Phantom of the Opera The Ultimate Edition – 2 DVD’s $16.00
Picadilly $45.00
Sparrows $20.00
The True Story of Marion Davies w/ Quality Street (’27) - $100.00
Stella Marris (’18) - $25.00
The Love Light (’21) - $30.00
Through The Back Door (’21)/Cinderella (’14) - $35.00
Little Lord Fauntleroy - $20.00
Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley (’18) - $20.00
Tess of the Storm Country (’22) - $30.00
Suds (’20) - $20.00
My Best Girl (’27) - $30.00
Mary Pickford : A Life On Film (’00) - $30.00
I Am Cuba (’64) - $15.00
Winter Soldier (’72) - $15.00

The Four Feathers $15.00
A Festival of Silent Comedy Vol. 4 $15.00
The Langdon Collection $12.00
The Canary Murder Case $15.00
Paths to Paradise $20.00
Shivering Spooks/The Headless Horseman - $12.00
Ella Cinders/Cinderella Cinders - $15.00

Looser Than Loose
Sennett Vol. 2 $12.00
The Larger World of Laurel & Hardy Vol. 1 $12.00
The Larger World of Laurel & Hardy Vol. 2 $12.00
The Larger World of Laurel & Hardy Vol. 3 $12.00
The Larger World of Laurel & Hardy Vol. 4 $12.00
The Brothers Parrott Vol. 1 - 2 DVD’s $12.00
The Brothers Parrott Vol. 2 – 2 DVD’s $12.00
Mark Johnson’s Fabulous Glass Slide Show $10.00
Klondike (’32) - $12.00

Grapevine - $10.00 each, unless noted
Snooky The Chimpanzee 1920-1921
Our Gang Vol. 1
His First Flame
Burn ‘em Up Barnes (1921)
Dream Street (1921)
True Heart Susie (1919)
A Woman He Scorned (1929)
Walking Back (’28)
Charley Chase – Jimmy Jump series 1923-1925
Eyes of the Mummy (’18)
The Perils of Pauline (’14) - $15.00
The Films of Monte Banks (1923-24)
Double Trouble (’43)
City Girl (’30) - $2.00
Little Old New York (’23)
Hotel Imperial (’27)
Pride of the Clan (’17)
F.P. 1 Doesn’t Answer : English/German (’32)

Flicker Alley
Valentino – 2 DVD’s $30.00
Phantom - $20.00
The Garden of Eden (’28) - $35.00

Extra Girl $10.00
It $15.00
Cavalcade of Comedy $12.00
Charley Chase Collection Vol. 1 $12.00
Charley Chase Collection Vol. 2 $12.00
Stan Laurel Collection Vol. 1– 2 DVD’s $12.00
Stan Laurel Collection Vol. 2– 2 DVD’s $12.00
Oliver Hardy Collection $12.00
Griffith Masterworks (Biograph Shorts/Birth of A Nation & Civil War films/Orphans of the Storm/Intolerance/Broken Blossoms) $55.00
German Horror Classics (The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari/Nosferatu/The Golem/Waxworks)
The Douglas Fairbanks Collection (The Mark of Zorro/The Three Musketeers/Robin Hood/The Thief of Bagdad/Don Q., Son of Zorro/The Black Pirate) 5 DVD’s $55.00
Munchhausen (’43) $15.99
Love Me Tonight (’32) $10.00
The Penalty (’20) $10.00
The Blue Angel (’30) 2 DVD’s $15.00
Counsellor at Law (’33) – $15.00
Cecil B. Demille Collection - Manslaughter (’22)/The Cheat (’15) - $15.00
Queen Kelly (’29) - $15.00
Dwain Esper Collection - Narcotic (’33)/Maniac (’34) - $15.00
Foolish Wives (’22)/The Man You Love To Hate (’79) – $15.00
Blind Husbands (’19)/The Great Gabbo (’29) - $15.00
Diary of A Lost Girl (’29)/Windy Riley Goes Hollywood (’30) – $15.00
Faust (’26) (2001 version)- $10.00
The Man Who Laughs (’28) - $15.00
The Old Dark House (’32) - $10.00
The Wong Kar-Wai Collection (5 DVD’s) Happy Together (’97)/Fallen Angels (’95)/As Tears Go By (’88)/Days of Being Wild (’91)/Chunking Express (’94) - $50.00
The Brothers Quay Collection (’00) - $25.00

Brazil Special Directors Edition (3 DVD’s) $20.00
Two Films by Yasujiro Ozu (Story of Floating Weeds (’34)/Floating Weeds (’59) 2 DVD’s $15.00
Carl Theodor Dreyer Coll. (Day of Wrath/Ordet/Gertrud/Carl Th. Dreyer : My Metier) 4 DVD’s $38.00
Pandora’s Box Special Edition (2 DVD’s) $20.00
King of Kings (2 DVD’s) - $15.00
M (’31) (2 DVD’s – 2004 Edition) - $18.00
The Scarlet Empress (’34) - $15.00
The Passion of Joan of Arc (’28) - $17.00
Nanook of the North (’22) - $15.00
Haxan – Witchcraft Through the Ages (’22) - $15.00
Nights of Cabiria (’57) - $50.00
John Cassavettes: Five Films (8 DVD’s) – Shadows (’59)/A Constant Forge (’00)/Faces (’68)/A Woman Under The Influence (’74)/Opening Night (’77)/The Killing of A Chinese Bookie (’76 cut & ’78 directors cut) - $55.00
In the Mood For Love (’00) (2 DVD’s) - $17.00
Chasing Amy (’96) - $5.00
M. Hulot’s Holiday (’53) (2001 edition) - $12.00
The 39 Steps (’35) - $15.00
Rashomon (’50) - $15.00
The Diary of A Country Priest (’50) - $30.00
Robocop (’87) - $12.00
Closely Watched Trains (’66) - $15.00
Spellbound (’45) - $20.00
The Seventh Seal (’57) (First Printing 1998) - $15.00
Sparacus (’60) (2 DVD’s) - $18.00
Le Samourai (’67) - $15.00
Notorious (’46) - $25.00
Rebecca (’40) (2 DVD’s) - $30.00
Seven Samurai (’54) - $12.00
Grand Illusion (’38) - $25.00
Les Dames du Bois de Boulonge (’45) - $15.00
Throne of Blood (’57) - $20.00
Sullivan’s Travels (’42) - $15.00

No Man of Her Own $8.00
Scarface $8.00
All Quiet On The Western Front $8.00
W. C. Fields Comedy Collection (The Bank Dick/My Little Chickadee/You Can’t Cheat An Honest Man/It’s A Gift/ International House) $30.00
Hell’s Angels (’30) - $8.00
Abbot & Costello Meet Frankenstein (’48) - $5.00
Frankenstein Meets The Wolf Man (’42)/House of Frankenstein (’44) - $5.00
Ghost of Frankenstein (’42)/Son of Frankenstein (’39) - $5.00
Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy (’55) - $5.00
Werewolf of London (’35)/She –Wolf of London (’46) - $5.00
Dracula’s Daughter (’36)/Son Of Dracula (’43) - $5.00
The Mummy’s Ghost (’44)/The Mummy’s Curse (’44) - $5.00
The Mummy’s Hand (’40)/The Mummy’s Tomb (’42) - $5.00
Universal Classic Monster Collection (8 DVD’s) The Mummy (’32)/The Invisible Man (’33)/The Wolf Man (’41)/The Bride of Frankenstein (’35)/Frankenstein (’31)/The Creature from the Black Lagoon (’54)/The Phantom of the Opera (’43)/Dracula (US) & Dracula (Spanish) (’31) - $55.00
Burns and Allen Triple Feature: Here Comes Cookie (’35)/Six of A Kind (’34)/Love In Bloom (’35) - $4.00
Bing Crosby Screen Legends Collection: Waikiki Wedding/Double or Nothing/East Side of Heaven/If I Had My Way/Here Comes the Waves (3 DVD’s) - $5.00
Scarface: Two Disc Anniversary Edition (’03) - $5.00
Mallrats (’95) - $4.00
The Deer Hunter (’78) (Widescreen) - $3.00

Unknown Video
Memories of the Silent Stars $10.00
Sex (’20) - $10.00
Suzanna (’22) - $10.00
The Primitive Lover (’22) - $10.00

Godzilla Vs. Mothra (’64) - $10.00
Godzilla King of the Monsters (’56) - $5.00
Godzilla’s Revenge - $5.00

20th Century Fox
Charlie Chan Vol. 1 (In London/In Paris/In Egypt/In Shanghai/Eran Trece) $22.00
Charlie Chan Vol. 2 (At the Circus/At the Race Track/At the Opera/At the Olympics) $22.00
Charlie Chan Vol. 3 (The Black Camel/On Broadway/At Monte Carlo/Chan’s Secret) $25.00
Charlie Chan Vol. 4 (In Honolulu/In Reno/At Treasure Island/City In Darkness) $25.00
Mr. Moto Collection Vol. 1 (Think Fast, Mr. Moto/Thank You, Mr. Moto/Takes A Chance/Mysterious Mr. Moto) 4 DVD’s $25.00
Mr. Moto Collection Vol. 2 (In Danger Island/Mr. Moto’s Gamble/Last Warning/Takes A Vacation) 4 DVD’s $25.00
Born To Be Bad (’34) $5.00
Reefer Madness (’38) Black and White and Color versions – $4.00
Borat (’07) - $3.00
Marilyn Monroe: The Diamond Collection (6 DVD’s) There’s No Business Like Show Business (’54)/Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (’53)/The Seven Year Itch (’55)/How To Marry A Millionaire (’53)/Bus Stop (’56)/The Final Days (’01) - $40.00
The Three Stooges In Color (’04) - $1.00
Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (’70) (Cinema Classics Edition) - $25.00

Charlie Chan Chanthology (In The Secret Service/Chinese Cat/Jade Mask/Meeting At Midnight/Scarlet Clue/Shanhai Cobra) $30.00
Some Like It Hot (’59) - $5.00
The Ghoul (’33) - $3.00
This Is Spinal Tap (’84) – $3.00
Raging Bull: Special Edition (’80) (2 DVD’s) - $7.00
Easy Money (’83) - $2.00

Mr. Wong Collection (Detective/Mystery of Mr. Wong/In Chinatown/The Fatal Hour/Doomed To Die/Phantom of Chinatown) 2 DVD’s $15.00
Horror Classics - The Corpse Vanishes (’42)/The Devil Bat (’41) - $9.00
Horror Classics – Mystery Liner (’34)/The Human Monster (’40) - $30.00
Mysterious Mr. Wong - $5.00
Ghosts On the Loose (’43) - $5.00
Of Human Bondage (’34)/Millie (’31)/Kept Husbands (’31) (2 DVD’s) - $15.00
Bird of Paradise (’32)/The Lady Refuses (’31) - $8.00
Bowery At Midnight (’42) - $3.00
Dead Men Walk (’43)/The Monster Maker (’44) - $6.00
The Gorilla (’39)/Nabonga (’44) - $5.00
King of the Zombies (’41)/Revolt of the Zombies (’36) - $7.00
British Intelligence (’40)/The Ape (’40) - $6.00
Indestructable Man (’56)/The Amazing Transparent Man (’60) - $6.00

Hollywood Bloopers (CATCOM) $2.00
Elvis Aloha From Hawaii Deluxe Edition DVD (RCA) 2 DVD’s $40.00
Kid Boots (Eddie Cantor Appreciation Society) $22.00
Street Corner/Because of Eve (Something Weird Video) $6.00
Devil Bat (Navare) $8.00
Cross Of Iron (’77) (Hen’s Teeth Video) $15.00
Nothing Sacred (’37) (Lumivision) $5.00
Fritz Lang’s Indian Epic (Fantomas) 2 DVD’s $30.00
Kolberg (’45) (International Historic Films) $40.00
The 400 Blows (Fox Lorber) $8.00
Drop Kick (’27) (Nostalgia Family Video) $15.00
Marihuana (’36)/Assassin Of Youth (’35)/Reefer Madness (’36) (Something Weird Video) - $4.00
City Girl (’30) (Vintage Film Buff) - $2.00
RUAN LING-YU: The Goddess of Shanghai (Book & DVD) (Hong Kong University Press) - $23.00
Swing Parade(’46) (Legend Films) - $4.00
The Little Rascals – Complete Collection (8 DVD’s/NEW) - $30.00
Chu Chin Chow (’34) (3 DVD’s) VCI - $10.00
Wings (Korean Import) - $1.00
Little Annie Rooney (’25) (Terra Entertainment) - $7.00
Buck Jones Double Feature: Branded (’31)/Shadow Ranch (’30) (VCI) - $8.00
Sex and Buttered Popcorn Vol. 1: Tomorrow’s Children (’34)/The Story of DE 733 (’42) (VCI) - $5.00
Sex and Buttered Popcorn Vol. 2: Should’a Said No! (’49)/Mad Youth (’34) (VCI) - $5.00
Sex and Buttered Popcorn Vol. 3: Elysia (’34)/The Road To Ruin (’34) (VCI) - $5.00
Sex and Buttered Popcorn: The Sory of the Hollywood Exploiters - $5.00
Two Thousand Maniacs (’64) (Something Weird Video) - $5.00
Clerks (’94) (Alliance Atlantis) - $3.00
Swingers (’96) (Miramax) - $3.00
Head (’68) - $8.00
John Waters Collection: Polyester (’81)/Desperate Living (’77) (New Line Cinema) - $10.00
John Waters Collection: Hairspray (’88)/Pecker (’98) - $10.00
John Waters Collection: Pink Flamingos (’72)/Female Trouble (’74) - $20.00
Penn & Teller: bullpoop Season 1 (3 DVD’s) (Showtime Entertainment) - $10.00
Penn & Teller: bullpoop Season 2 (3 DVD’s) (Showtime Entertainment) - $10.00
Popeye the Sailor: 75th Anniversary Collector’s Edition (2 DVD’s) (VCI) - $8.00
It’s A Wonderful Life (’47) (Silver Screen Edition) - $6.00
Edie Sedgwick Caio! Manhattan (’72) (30th Anniversary Edition)(Plexiflim) – $30.00
Kill Bill Vol. 1 (’03) (Miramax) - $2.00
Kill Bill Vol. 2 (’04) (Miramax) - $2.00
Ed Wood: Special Edition (’94) (Touchstone) - $4.00
Double Agent 73 (’74) (Something Weird Video) - $4.00

Godzillas Revenge (’69) - $10.00
Godzilla Vs. Mothra (’64) - $10.00
Andy Kaufman: The Midnight Special - $8.00

PAL format
Barbara Stanwyck Collection (Double Indemnity ‘44/The Bitter Tea of General Yen ‘32/The Miracle Woman ‘31/ The Lady Eve ‘41/All I Desire ‘53/Golden Boy ’39) $40.00
The Song of Songs (’33) $10.00
Blonde Venus (’32) $10.00
Morocco (’30) $10.00
Ratour de Flamme Vol. 1 $15.00
Ratour de Flamme Vol. 2 $15.00
Ratour de Flamme Vol. 3 $15.00
A Tree Grows In Brooklyn $30.00
Die elf Teufel (’27)/Konig der Mittelsturmer (’27) (Edition Filmmuseum) $30.00
Blind Husbands (Edition Filmmuseum) $24.00
The Threepenny Opera (BFI) 2 DVD’s $13.00
Alfred Hitchcock Collection (Studio Canal) 6 DVD’s (The Ring/Champange/The Farmers Wife/The Manxman/Blackmail/The Skin Game?Murder/Rich and Strange/Number Seventeen/Foreign Correspondant) $160.00
Blackmail (’29) (Art Haus) $15.00
Meet John Doe (’41) (Sanctuary) $10.00
Silent Britain (’06) (BFI) - $15.00
The Devil is a Woman (’35) $10.00
Dishonored (Agent X 27) (’31) - $10.00
People On Sunday (’29) (BFI) - $25.00
M – Ultimate Edition (’31) 2 DVD’s (Eureka) - $20.00
Napoleon (’27) (Studio Canal/Universal) - $250.00
Woman of the Dunes (’64) (BFI) - $20.00
Electric Edwardians: The Films of Mitchell & Kenyon (BFI) - $22.00
Andy Warhol: 4 Silent Movies: Kiss (’63)/Blow Job (’63-’64)/Empire (’64)/Mario Banana (’64) (Rarovideo) - $30.00
The Chelsea Girls (’66) (2 DVD’s) (Rarovideo) - $60.00
The Velvet Underground & Nico (’66)/Vinyl (’65) - $30.00
They Live (’88) - $12.00
2046 (’04)(Tartan Films) - $6.00
Valley of the Dolls (’67)/Beyond the Valley of the Dolls (’70) (20th Century Fox) - $14.00
The Girl Can’t Help It (’56) (20th Century Fox) - $10.00
Dr. Who:Genesis of the Daleks (’75) (2 DVD’s) - $15.00
New York Underground Collection: Richard Kern (’04)(Rarovideo) - $30.00

Arrow Films Russ Meyer Collection: all PAL, region 0 -
Beneath the Valley of the Ultra Vixens (’79) - $14.00
Mondo Topless (’66) - $10.00
Lorna (’64)/Mudhoney (’65) - $25.00
Wild Gals of the Naked West (’62)/Blacksnake (’72) - $10.00
Up! - $10.00
The Immoral Mr. Teas (’59)/Eve and the Handyman (’60) - $13.00
Motor Psycho (’65)/Good Morning….and Goodbye (’67) - $13.00
Pandora Peaks (’00)/Finders Keepers, Lovers Weepers (’68) - $15.00
Supervixens (’75) - $10.00
Cherry, Harry, and Raquel (’70)/Common Law Cabin (’67) - $15.00
Vixen (’68) - $10.00
Faster Pussycat…Kill! Kill! (’65) - $10.00

Masters of Cinema Series
001 - Sunrise (1927) - $20.00
002 - The Holy Mountain (1926) - $13.00
003 - Michael (1924) OOP - $50.00
004 -Tartuffe (aka Herr Tartüff) (1926) - $18.00
005 - Pitfall (1962) - $45.00
006 - The Face of Another (1966) - $20.00
007 - Asphalt (1929) - $12.00
008 - Metropolis (1927) - $22.00
009 - Spione (1928) - $45.00
010 - Francesco, giullare di Dio (aka The Flowers of St. Francis) (1950) - $14.00
011 - Humanity and Paper Balloons (1937) - $25.00
013 - Onibaba (aka Onibabaa) (1964) - $13.00
014 - Kuroneko (1968) - $13.00
015 - Scandal (1950) - $13.00
016 - The Idiot (1951) - $7.00
017 - Vengeance Is Mine (1979) - $35.00
018 - Twenty-Four Eyes (1954) - $12.00
019 - Nightmare Alley (1947) OOP - $40.00
020 - Assassination (1964) - $13.00
021 - Punishment Park (1971) - $25.00
022 - The Prisoner of Shark Island (1936) OOP - $30.00
023 - Der letzte Mann (aka The Last Laugh) (1924) - $10.00
026 - The Savage Innocents (1959) OOP - $50.00
027 - Abhijan (1962) OOP - $30.00
028 - Toni (1934) OOP - $100.00
029 - Kwaidan (1965) - $12.00
030 - The Complete Buster Keaton Short Films 1917-1923 (4 DVD’s) - $70.00
031 - F for Fake (1974) - $10.00
032 - Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) - $12.00
033 - Shoeshine (1946) - $13.00
034 - La Planète sauvage (aka Fantastic Planet) (1973) - $30.00
035-037 Naruse: Volume One Mikio Naruse 1951-1956 (3 DVD’s) OOP - $280.00
035 Repast (1951)
036 Sound of the Mountain (1954)
037 Flowing (1956)
038 - Shoah (1985) (4 DVD’s) - $48.00
039 - Diary of a Lost Girl (1929) - $18.00
041 - Frau im Mond (1929) - $18.00
042 - Salesman (1969) - $65.00
043 - Grey Gardens (1976) - $14.00
044 - Silence (1971) - $12.00
046 - Le Silence de la mer (1949) - $55.00
048 - Rocco and His Brothers (1960) - $12.00
051 - Edvard Munch (1974) - $15.00
054-055 2 films by Kenji Mizoguchi (2 DVD’s) - $42.00
054 Gion Bayashi (1953)
055 Sanshō-dayū (1954)
054-055 2 films by Kenji Mizoguchi (2 DVD’s) - $55.00
056 Uwasa no onna (1954)
057 Chikamatsu monogatari (1954)
062 - Les Maîtres du temps (1982) - $15.00
063 - Gandahar (1988) OOP - $35.00
064 - Nosferatu (1921) (2 DVD’s) - $18.00
066 Tabu (1931) (2 DVD’s) OOP - $75.00
094–099 Lubitsch in Berlin: Ernst Lubitsch 1918–1921 (6 DVD’s) - $82.00
094 Ich möchte kein Mann sein (1918)
095 Die Puppe. (1918)
096 Die Austernprinzessin. (1919)
097 Sumurun (1920)
098 Anna Boleyn (1920)
099 Die Bergkatze (1921)
bonus disc – Ernst Lubitsch in Berlin: From Schonhauser Allee to Hollywood

Vintage Film Buff – all out of print - $14.00 each
Renegades (’30)
Ladies of Leisure
The Cheat (’31)
Take A Chance (’33)
Blood Money (’33)/Pleasure Cruise (’33)
Hot Saturday (’32)
White Woman (’33)/Thunder Below (’32)
Silent Witness (’32)
Guilty As Hell (’32)/The Great Hotel Murder (’35)
Safety In Numbers (’30)
New York Lights (’29)
Wild Company (’30)
Prohibition (’32)/Thrill of A Lifetime (’37)
Madame Butterfly (’32)
Iron Man (’31)
Underworld (’27)
The Little American (’17)
For The Defense (’30)/Street of Chance (’30)
Advice to the Lovelorn (’33)/You Belong To Me (’34)
Island of Lost Men (’39)

Sunrise Silents – all out of print - $12.00 each
One Arabian Night (’20)
The Three Musketeers (’21)
The Man Who Laughs (’28)
Broken Hearts OF Broadway (1923)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (’19)
That Certain Thing (’28)
Mabel Normand Films (Mabel & Fatty Viewing the World’s Fair at San Francisco ‘15/Barney Oldfield’s Race For a Life ‘13/A Muddy Romance ‘13/Saved From Himself ‘11/He Did & He Didn’t ’16)
The Live Wire (’25)
Keystone Films (A Desperate Scoundrel ‘15/A Hash House Fraud ‘15/Fatty’s Chance Aquaintance ‘15/Dollars and Sense ’16)
A Hero For A Night (’27)
Pearl White Films (The Hidden Voice ‘15/The Death Ray ‘15/The Hooded Helper ’16)
Lorna Doone (’22)
The Toll Gate (’20)
Brother’s (’29)
Love ‘Em And Leave ‘Em (’26)
My Lady of Whimes (’25)
Gypsy Blood (’18)

Sunrise Silents Film Magazines on disc (star on cover) – all out of print - $10.00 each
Motion Picture Magazine April 1929 (Colleen Moore)
Motion Picture Magazine July 1921 (Renee Adoree)
Motion Picture Magazine June 1921 (Vivian Martin)
Photoplay March 1925 (Bessie Love)
Photoplay April 1922 (Dorothy Gish)
Motion Picture Magazine April-May 1920 (Lilian Gish)
Photoplay January 1916 (Pearl White)
Photoplay April 1915 (Blanche Sweet)
Photoplay February 1917 (Norma Talmadge)
Photoplay November 1922 (Colleen Moore)
Photoplay April 1919 (Marjorie Rambeau)
Photoplay September 1928 (Gloria Swanson)
Motion Picture Magazine December 1928 (Anita Page)
Motion Picture Magazine September 1929 (Fay Wray)
Photoplay January 1925 (Betty Bronson)
Motion Picture Magazine April 1925 (Pola Negri)
Motion Picture Magazine December 1924 (Viola Dana)
Photoplay February 1926 (Bebe Daniels)
Motion Picture Magazine October 1927 (Mary Brian)
Photoplay June 1918 (Olive Tell)
Photoplay Magazine August 1918 (Mabel Normand)
Motion Picture Magazine June 1927 (Gilda Gray)
Photoplay August 1927 (Olive Borden)
Motion Picture Magazine February 1923 (Norma Talmadge)
Photoplay September 1916 (Edna Purviance)

Sinister Cinema - $5.00 each
The Bat (’26)
The Clarivoyant (’35)
Police Court (’32)
Murder By Television (’35)
The Walking Dead (’36)

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