LOVE THY NEIGHBOR (1940) Jack Benny Fred Allen

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
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LOVE THY NEIGHBOR (1940) Jack Benny Fred Allen

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Mar 19, 2014 6:27 am

Here's on of the hardest to see of the Jack Benny features and the one that preserved the Benny-Fred Allen feud on film:


Gary Johnson
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Re: LOVE THY NEIGHBOR (1940) Jack Benny Fred Allen

Postby Gary Johnson » Wed Mar 19, 2014 10:58 am

And it was written by Benny's radio writers at the time, Morrow and Beloin.
I though that the Field's segment of TALES OF MANHATTAN (42) was their first stab at movie writing.
They worked on this and BUCK BENNY RIDES AGAIN of the same year.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: LOVE THY NEIGHBOR (1940) Jack Benny Fred Allen

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Mar 19, 2014 2:37 pm

Gary Johnson wrote:And it was written by Benny's radio writers at the time, Morrow and Beloin.
I though that the Field's segment of TALES OF MANHATTAN (42) was their first stab at movie writing.
They worked on this and BUCK BENNY RIDES AGAIN of the same year.

Those two films were the only ones of Benny's that were vehicles built around his radio persona, both were big hits and also showcased Eddie "Rochester" Anderson.


Gary Johnson
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Re: LOVE THY NEIGHBOR (1940) Jack Benny Fred Allen

Postby Gary Johnson » Wed Mar 19, 2014 8:43 pm

Rochester's popularity was a constant running gag on The Jello Program. Every time a new Benny film was released Jack would pester his cast with questions like, "What did you think of my new picture?" And Mary would always chime in, "Rochester went over great".

By the way, thanks for posting this, Richard. I can't remember the last time I saw it. I think I was in my crib then. Of course, I was in my crib Monday night so that doesn't mean much...

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