Ron Masak RIP

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Richard M Roberts
Posts: 2928
Joined: Sun May 31, 2009 6:30 pm

Ron Masak RIP

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sat Oct 22, 2022 6:18 am

Great character actor Ron Masak passed away on October 20th at the age of 86. Probably best known as Sheriff Mort Metzger on MURDER SHE WROTE, Ron played a plethora of character parts and was a familiar face on TV series and commercials. Yet I will always remember him as the person who replaced A. C. Lyles as the host of the Cinecon banquets in the late 1990's, and saved the shows from Lyles' endless, tortuous ability to never shut up, tell the same joke three times in an evening, and guarantee to stretch the event to three and a half hours.

Masak was simply the best host and MC the Cinecon banquets ever had, before or since. He was funny, kept it moving, actually knew who most of the elderly Cinecon guests he was introducing were, and got us out of there before our rubber chicken was completely digested. He was also a nice, approachable guy who was happy to chat with anyone who wanted to chat with him. He was also a fine working actor, impressionist, comedian, and the best Lou Costello impersonator there ever was:

Rest in Peace Ron, and say hello to Angela Lansbury.


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