MIchael Gambon RIP

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Richard M Roberts
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MIchael Gambon RIP

Postby Richard M Roberts » Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:35 am

Here's another great gone, though the press will talk about Professor Dumbeldore, his great role was in THE SINGING DETECTIVE (1986).

He was also great in the mini-series LONGITUDE (2000), and GOSFORD PARK (2001), and yeah, he was definitely better than Richard Harris as Dumbeldore, even if the Harry Potter movies were never one-tenth as good as the books.

And on stage, he was one of the great King Lear's.

His NYT obit:

https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/28/arts ... -dead.html

Rest in peace Michael, you were a great actor, am I right or am I right.


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