Is this absolutely necessary?

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Chris Seguin

Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Chris Seguin » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:43 am

Gary Johnson
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Re: Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Gary Johnson » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:03 am

You know the drill, Chris.
It won't interest the diehards but if it generates new awareness of the Tramp then....

EDNA was a cute film. It had nothing to do with Chaplin's character but was cute nevertheless.

That French company is spending 11 million on the project.
How many silent comedies could get restored and distributed for that amount?

Chris Seguin

Re: Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Chris Seguin » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:29 am

Well, I suppose it couldn't be any worse than the Laurel & Hardy, Abbot & Costello and Three Stooges efforts of the '60s. And after seeing a resurrected Jacques Tati in Sylvain Chomet's brilliant "The Illusionist", I may indeed have high hopes. In fact, "The Illusionist" had me thinking it might be something indeed to see an animated Chaplin in James Agee's abandoned script "The Tramp's New World".


Joe Migliore
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Re: Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Joe Migliore » Mon Jan 31, 2011 12:50 pm

I would argue that the involvement of Bud Abbott gave a patina of authenticity to the Abbott & Costello cartoons, and that The Three Stooges cartoons were a legitimate project, employing not only the vocal talents of Howard, Fine, and DeRita, but also live-action wrap-arounds, constituting new footage. (Even though the written material was nothing new.) Perhaps this Chaplin project is more analagous to Larry Harmon's Laurel & Hardy cartoons, except for the creepy computer animation. I like your idea, Chris, about animating unrealized projects. Perhaps we will one day see "Grand Mills Hotel".

Joe Migliore

Chris Seguin

Re: Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Chris Seguin » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:36 pm

Well, being eternally, ever-optimistic, and having been swayed by "The Illusionist" (although I'm sure that many Tati-ites have their own issues with "The Illusionist"), it gives me hope for a respectful and interesting interpretation of The Tramp in an upcoming cartoon series. Time will tell.

Even Bud Abbott's or the Stooges' participation in the 1960s cartoons didn't prevent them from being completely antithetical to what made those performers unique in the first place. The Abbott & Costello cartoons are fairly generic H&B work from the era, and the Stooge cartoons...well...I've decided that they're a breed unto themselves. Most of the cartoons themselves have absolutely zero "authentic" Stooge humour; instead they go off into almost surreal realms that really need to be appreciated on a whole other level. Stooge cartoons like "When You Wish Upon A Fish" and "Curly in Wonderland" can almost compete with "Yellow Submarine" -- all they needed was Peter Max-style art direction! But that's a whole other topic of conversation...

Not sure I'd want to see an animated "Grand Mills Hotel", but a script for "Laurel & Hardy's Fabulous Fables" in the right hands...


Joe Migliore
Posts: 194
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Re: Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Joe Migliore » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:17 am

I could easily imagine that "The Freak" would work as an animated feature. I wonder if Tim Burton ever visits this site.

Chris Seguin

Re: Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Chris Seguin » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:06 am

Ahhh, yes! The Freak! I like it.

Jeffrey Nelson
Posts: 22
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Re: Is this absolutely necessary?

Postby Jeffrey Nelson » Sat Feb 12, 2011 1:25 pm

The Chaplin Estate will allow this, but they won't allow release of the uncut versions of the real McCoy.


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