Mabel's Blunder - Who is Mabel's Brother?

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Steve Rydzewski
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Re: Mabel's Blunder - Who is Mabel's Brother?

Postby Steve Rydzewski » Sun May 29, 2011 1:37 am

Hello Mafioso...
Just today I came across the identification of Chaplin's Keystone leading lady, previously tentatively ID'ed as Helen Carruthers or unfortunately labeled "Unknown Chaplin Heroine."
According to a few issues of Motion Picture Magazine, 1915, Vol X (courtesy of Google book search), I stumbled on the Answer Man's stating in four different instances that a "Miss Page" played opposite Chaplin in The New Janitor, His New Profession, Dough and Dynamite, and His Prehistoric Career. Further digging lead me to an article in the Jan 15, 1915 issue of Variety stating Miss Peggy Page (or possibly Paige), "who played comedy leads opposite Chas Chaplin in Keystone Comedies will be the leading woman" in C-K Comedies for Kriterion.
Are any of these early 1915 C-K Comedies extant for a further verification?


Brent Walker
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Re: Mabel's Blunder - Who is Mabel's Brother?

Postby Brent Walker » Tue May 31, 2011 11:52 pm

Steve, great work! I see all the articles you found and it definitely sounds like you found the woman--Peggy Page/Paige!


Steve Rydzewski
Posts: 120
Joined: Sat Jul 11, 2009 12:12 pm

Re: Mabel's Blunder - Who is Mabel's Brother?

Postby Steve Rydzewski » Wed Jun 01, 2011 11:53 am

Thanks so much, Brent!
Hearing that from you (the surely exhausted Mack Sennett Ruler) is one of the biggest compliments anyone can get!
Yes, I'm glad we found the name Peggy Page; she played such important parts in some of Charlie's films that it was a shame to leave her unintentionally ignored.
We've done pretty well the last fifteen to twenty years putting names to unknown muggs: Billy Gilbert, Charles Lakin, Eli Stanton, Ted Edwards, Eva Nelson, Jess Dandy, and others. And the films have been turning up and the dvds are being produced. Great time to be around and there's plenty more to find! Thanks again, Brent!


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