Nitrateville Correction Dept: Mack Sennett Collection Vol 2?

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Richard M Roberts
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Nitrateville Correction Dept: Mack Sennett Collection Vol 2?

Postby Richard M Roberts » Wed Mar 09, 2016 11:09 pm

As usual, they got it wrong on Nitratevile, TCM did indeed show the complete version of DOWN ON THE FARM.


Gary Johnson
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Re: Nitrateville Correction Dept: Mack Sennett Collection Vo

Postby Gary Johnson » Sat Mar 12, 2016 12:10 am

I don't know why Richard wastes his breath anymore with these people. Every time I go there (because of these links) I get a headache. I don't even know the majority of these posters anymore because they all sound so clueless. But it's not as if the previous posters were enshrined with any great knowledge or insight. It's the reason they had to originally oust Richard -- because he knew too much.

The second poster wondered why Gierucki hasn't been updating him personally these past few years on his activities. Well Junior, it's a little thing called Face Book - which Paul set up years ago when he re-organized into CineMuseum, as a means to market and update his public on the comings and goings of his company. It's where I go when ever I feel the need to find out when a certain product of his is about to be released. It beats posting on an open forum and vaguely surmising that there will probably never be a vol 54 of a certain subject and then have to listen to endless prattle by the likes of drednm and entredeuxguerres go on and on because they love the sound of their voice in print.

Heaven forbid should they bother to go to the actual source.

Richard M Roberts
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Re: Nitrateville Correction Dept: Mack Sennett Collection Vo

Postby Richard M Roberts » Sat Mar 12, 2016 1:31 am

Well, I don't waste much time over there, and if I was correcting all their inaccuracies, I never get anything done, but it is easy to peruse as there is a lot less posting, though just as much if not more prattle.

I did enjoy seeing Gebert having to get after everyone recently for getting cranky, and trying to excuse it now as "happening every winter", hmmmmmm, nearly three years now since I was booted so Nitratevile could preserve it's precious "civility", seems like they have the same problems with lack of civility that they have always had, and a lot less good information. Also enjoyed this new jackass Brentonfilm or whatever the hell he thinks he is, thinks a lot of himself obviously, who wants to be the new morality officer and bootleg sheriff, and cries "troll" whenever anyone disagrees with him. He calls his website "the past, present, and future of silent film"........unlikely, but if ever true, pathetic.

Did you guys know Spencer Tracy was gay? Why, did Scotty Bowers say so? Then it must be true...........

Enough, many, many better things to do.


Gary Johnson
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Re: Nitrateville Correction Dept: Mack Sennett Collection Vo

Postby Gary Johnson » Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:17 am

Agreed. Let's move on.....

Although I have to say it one more time......"entredeuxguerres". A more pretentiousness nom de plume I'll ever run across.

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